nocturnal edge

For: mixed manipulations 13 contest
For: mixed manipulations 13 contest
Thanks to DanHeffer-Stock, #resurgere and PaulFungus
For: surreal face contest
source, photoshop and illustrator for both hearts
i am living on a small island in the caribbean since 16 years and have to leave it for ever that's why i was inspired to make this composistion as if it was possible to bring it with me in a pot...
For: train tracks contest
Credits to NefaroStock biewoef wookiestock
For: train tracks contest
Thanks to Glendali for the girls image
For: train tracks contest
nothing but the source
For: tomato contest
A little fun with a well known legend. Although I created the "photo" in color I went with a B&W newspaper in the end.
For: april fools contest
"I created this image from scratch and is in homage to the great Salvador Dali. I did this thinking of a futuristic vision of his work." I hope you enjoy! (Take a look in SBS and High Resolution)
I have always admired Modigliani's portraits. Cheers to dmscs for the portrait photo.
Jackson Pollock
Design rather than realism of bird and vines became the focus of this image. Rhythmic birds and vines were created from skull using various tools; thanks to mike-in-ny at for the nebulae and NASA Goddard for Lagoon nebula used for background. Please see SBS details.
For: silver skull contest
this view is based on Kevin Reynolds legend movie Water World, where the polar ice caps have melted and most of Earth is underwater and people build ther world on the water..
For: legends contest
nothing but the source
For: silver skull contest
My tribute to Andrew Wyeth. This is not a copy of any of his work. I tried to captured his style and feel. It was a lot more work than just adding a filter to a my photo. I removed a house, trees, a mountain, added a sky and basically recomposed the whole image to get his "uncluttered" ...
Done with coloured pencils and felt tip.
For: smile please contest
Only source image used.
For: silver skull contest
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
Thanks to sir chalky, Killian Tuor, Don Coyote, memoossa and marshalgon
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
She held the rose in her hands, she had held so many of them in the last few days. As the thorns tore again at her finger she watched the blood flow. Legend told that the Blooding of a White Rose would save them from the devastation, famine, and war that would soon be upon them. She watched as the ...
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
Own sources used
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: odd news contest
After the lid is all makes sense. See high res.
For: what you eat contest
Used photoshop and 2 additional sources by Mqtrf from PxlEyes stock section
For: old knob contest