55 comments given:
avatar immortalizer

very inspired shot and clever thinking in resolving the downwoard curve by rotating the picture

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

From darkness to light
avatar immortalizer

something is off in this render, i think you need to fidle with the exposure in the scene because the sky is blownout to pure white altough the hdr image seems to be shot on an overecast day

(5 years and 3258 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

jeanie thats exactly the emoticon i wanted to use to :P, but i don't know how to , a litle sbs would b apreciated

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Mistaken identity
avatar immortalizer

wow i can't belive those furry guys would come this close to people

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Feeding Chipmunks
avatar immortalizer

i like the picture but i don't get the useless space above the head :-??

(5 years and 3280 days ago)

Mistaken identity
avatar immortalizer

in the sbs there is no reference to the software use or have i missed it? i'm curios wich software is able to make those simetrical extrusions

(5 years and 3280 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

fabulous design, the color scheme and materials are very much in the spirit of the contest, witch also are very realistic

(5 years and 3280 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

where is the dog?

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

In Hiding
avatar immortalizer

how did he(she) got up there :-?

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

Bird Watching
avatar immortalizer

very nice shot, i would have croped it right above the ears though

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

a litle more depth of field and more atention to the framing could have made this picture the money shot

(5 years and 3285 days ago)

Riley James
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posh :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

this is a jewl, i cant belive u could get them to pose )

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

you are lucky to have him as he is lucky to have you

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

great tones

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

High Contrast
avatar immortalizer

a brick carrying a brick :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

Moving House
avatar immortalizer

is this a stray escaped from the Victorias's secret for dogs? :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

My Old Angel
avatar immortalizer

"why the long face?" :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

mwajajaja at first look i got impresion that your dog is doing back flips trough the air ), and the illusion would have been perfect if it hadn't been for the small sharp shadows near the paws, and still this is a fun pic GJ

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

Center Fold
avatar immortalizer

@wazowski actualy there are some european breeds of hounds that are more proned to have pink noses and also albinos get the pink nose do to a skin pigment deficiency; this shot is lovely the way the color blend and the feeling... ooh the shot has a lot of feling, GJ author

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

time for a cozy nap
avatar immortalizer

young sea dog "aaarghhh matey"

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

Sea Farin
avatar immortalizer

"i'm confused, why is everybody so tall?" :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

Guard Dog!
avatar immortalizer

such a great ideea for this contest, i get to see so many beatifull dogs, like yours for example, the framing could have been better if you hadn't cropped the puppies paw and took off the leash

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

this could be Adrian Mutu's dog easealy :P

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

A little coke problem
avatar immortalizer

silly dog, lol

(5 years and 3287 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

now that;s sexy, but the composition suffers, cuting the buns like that it's a no no

(5 years and 3291 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

you could have done better with the pose, maybe arched the back more to give more curve to the composition

(5 years and 3292 days ago)

In the Dark
avatar immortalizer

the skin material looks fake because of the glossy reflection

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

interesting structure in the backround, have you tried to get closer to it, i bet there alot of intresting details you could get that way

(5 years and 3297 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

ooooh, i wanna be a rock on that beach ), GJ

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

love the contrast between the warm and cool colors

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

very inspired the way you captured the sun, and the girl ), GJ

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

The sunshine in my life
avatar immortalizer

nameless is not a godd title for this shot, to me the cloud framed above the sun looks like a nuclear mushroom, instead you could have gone with cataclysm or dooms day, judgement day, etc... ,this is an exceptional shot

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

the atmospherics gives a great sense of depth in this photo, love the colorization to, GJ

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

beautifull details, great picture

(5 years and 3302 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

i love the black and white look altough it seems to be a litlle bit of noise on the shadow side of the picture

(5 years and 3304 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

this photo gives a new answer to the question 'are u a cat person?'

(5 years and 3307 days ago)

Thank God For Guitars!
avatar immortalizer

i like the way the hat pops up in the picture but the face is underexposed and maybe the frameing is a llitle to centerd

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

What A Cutie
avatar immortalizer

superb, love the pictural feeling this shot evokes, it looks like a indian peter bruegel painting

(5 years and 3309 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

interestiong shot it has a somewhat abstract look to it altough if u have fliped the pic you would have ended up with an uprising diagonal and a more powerfull composition

(5 years and 3309 days ago)

Air Vents
avatar immortalizer

the trick with fog pictures is that they can easely take your imagination to magical places, and yours does just that until i see the truck witch imediatly brings me back to the ordinary reality, still great compozition and inspired colorization 100%

(5 years and 3316 days ago)

truckers caution
avatar immortalizer

very moody shot almost surreal, except for the car in the backround everything fits right, i would have loved to see this B/W with the greens taken down a notch

(5 years and 3316 days ago)

still morning
avatar immortalizer

the shot looks great, it reminds me somehow of traditional japaneze paintings

(5 years and 3321 days ago)

avatar immortalizer

abstract and eye catching shot, it's very appealing, good job

(5 years and 3333 days ago)

Street colors
avatar immortalizer

"NatureBalcony - created by Maya3D" i lol-ed beacause i'm a bit into 3d visualization to, on the point though beacause it's a colorfull asignment u could have poped a bit the colors in photoshop just to breake the uniform exposure of the shot

(5 years and 3337 days ago)
