
For: a loved one contest
This one is more likely destined for the 'show-ring' rather than the chopping block. We have a saying on the farm - anything that gets named is not game :) Bred from our favourite Rhode Island Red rooster.
For: pet sideview contest
Using a 2.5sec exposure I gently threw my camera up in a spinning motion in-front of my computer monitor. The monitor was the only light source in the room at the time. It created this cool kinetic image so I thought I'd kick off this contest.
For: camera toss contest
I have the first alternate design on my SBS. Please feel free to check on it & leave some feedback if you'd like. This was a quick concept I made during my free time. Just want to participate anyway. Btw, I hope this is quite a "Less is More" Shirt-Design. --- Thanks in adv...
For: pxl on tour contest
Line drawing featuring the evolution of audio formats, starting with vinyl, then the 8-track, cassette tape, CD and finally the MP3 player.
For: tapes and cd contest
Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon; The little dog laughed To see such fun, And the dish ran away with the spoon.
For: nursery rhymes td contest
manual mode f 8 8 seconds Iso Low 1 one helpful spouse!!!
For: time lapse 2 contest
my own version of a motorcycle...done in acrylic paint. anyone who knows motorcycles may look at this bike and say the motor looks strange, or the handlebars look odd for the body...I had to makeup some of it based on a few different it is a somewhat custom bike.
For: motorized td contest
For: stereograph contest
An angel that has fallen. Seems like someone's forgotten how to properly tie his sandals!
boy & mountains are private stock images see in sbs
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
Spring winds call Soon the dragonflies Thank you to Lucretia-stock and Alegion-stock! Sky overlay image is my own - see SBS Step 2. Permission for stock use SBS Step 8. Tried sugge
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
For: selective coloring contest
For: selective coloring contest
Dedicate to Glockman. I use his image in the forum as the reference (I mention in the SBS), I asked him to use it, even though I didn't get the response, I think he'll willing to accept that. I try to make it looked like the watercolor painting but maybe in Hi-Res you can see it more clearly.
For: watercolour contest
For: mirrored contest