is it water, ooze or an a new version of T3000?

water fountain with some light beneath it
For: Everyday Abstract 2019 contest
water fountain with some light beneath it
For: Everyday Abstract 2019 contest
Our office is made up of these containers and sometimes there are some ad shoots going on here because of the vibrancy. I took this pic at one of the times like this where they had an interesting light setup.
For: Everyday Abstract 2019 contest
For: dogs 2019 contest
For: upview 2018 contest
A giraffe enjoying the steel wire and an animals park.
For: animal parts contest
For: valentine 4 contest
Yup thts wht it is called and yes thts a green chilly. It was an awesome drink. Ginger, mint, lemon, soda n a bit of pepper.
For: drinks contest
I've always seen the pics of waterfall at dark and very green environments, this was different, very vibrant environment.
For: waterfalls contest
Waterfalls at Adilabad district, India.
For: waterfalls contest
Skydiver enjoying his descent. This guy did like 5-6 jumps on that day.
For: in the air contest
For: one tree contest
The theme was clear to me from the beginning, I don't know why people found it very difficult, but I couldn't get a good location for the picture as I was busy with official stuff, so decided to try the above pic.