71 comments given:
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Absolutely on theme! GL

(5 years and 3215 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Nice capture! It's very relaxing but dramatic because of clouds and wind

(5 years and 3326 days ago)

farm fence
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

What to say... perfect

(5 years and 3344 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Nice capture! Well done

(5 years and 3344 days ago)

99th red balloon
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Absolutly stunning photo. Love the composition and details of blanket

(5 years and 3344 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Good job. Clever

(5 years and 3345 days ago)

Smoke Dragon
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Very nice. GL

(5 years and 3345 days ago)

Pier at sunset
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Wooow,wonderful shot,are these stars on the photo or what?

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Lenko 880.
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Nice shot!

(5 years and 3350 days ago)

Rose & Crown
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

I don't see a candle light. That in the background can be everything.

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Well done! Love the colors

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

Too Obvious???
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great composition,love the light of candles and great shot¨! Well done

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

Just the two of us...
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Wow,that's good job!

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Viper in Action
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Love the light. Good job

(5 years and 3364 days ago)

Ho Ho Homer
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

and the Earth behind?

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Dream of the paper plane
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Looks photoshoped autor. SBS?

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Dream of the paper plane
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Wow,great shot !

(5 years and 3408 days ago)

feel the story
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

really...I don't get it? this isn't magazine macro

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

sory,but I think that that picture is from some book or something... i don't think that is taken "for real".

(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great shot! I think than all of use now who's the autor

(5 years and 3423 days ago)

Falling Over
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

That's nice! good job!

(5 years and 3423 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

haha great photo autor!

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

Not The Box
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Amazing as always!

(5 years and 3584 days ago)

Better to light a Candle...
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Good idea!
woow look that color... nice one

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

La Familia
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Cool photo.
Maybe you should try with black background...

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

Spare Change
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

You are right Lamantine...lol
Great photo. For me best in this contest for now.

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Good idea, but the background is little too messy

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

3 Trucks
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Congrats for your 86th place :P

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

Nice Weather
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Congrats for your 86 place :P

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

Nice Weather
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

The focus is on dandelion,not on grass...

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

What is that curly light in the background?

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Curly bamboo
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

you have changed the whole picture...thats good
good luck!

(5 years and 3618 days ago)

a quiet night
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

I like the smoke and title ...good luck to you

(5 years and 3618 days ago)

Silent Killer
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Well,now when you stole my idea I have to make up something else...mine would be better
but beautiful indeed

(5 years and 3620 days ago)

avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

I know that photo...

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Yet another moss on the field
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Wrong contest...

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Piling Up
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Or that shit down here...

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Hammer duck
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Sorry...but how do you think that is this crap good...:-S

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Hammer duck
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great picture and great camera! Small...but powerfull

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Basket Ball
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great pictire and great camera! Small...but powerfull

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Basket Ball
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great job and excellen photo!!! I vote for you

(5 years and 3628 days ago)

Basket Ball
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:


(5 years and 3628 days ago)

Up, of Course
avatar ivanSpace
ivanSpace says:

Great idea! Good luck

(5 years and 3628 days ago)