Tea estate

For: farm land contest
black and white, contrast, sharpened
For: burning cigarette contest
A snowgun producing some... snow... 25s @Æ’/8 iso 100.
16x20 acrylic on canvas, No source just went with the flow.
A portable stereo that i've built. it uses either batteries or 220V The white box is the batterypack and the green one is the stereo itself. Panzermensch is just the name of a song. the word looked cool so i painted it there.
For: electrity contest
The word derives from the Greek γυμναστική (gymnastike), fem. of γυμναστικός (gymnastikos), "fond of athletic exercises", from γυμνάσια (gymnasia), "exercise" and that from γυμ...
For: stretching contest
Legal by prescription in all of Canada and about 1/2 of the United States. If you have cancer and you are ignorant about the facts regarding this medicine, you would do well to educate yourself. Ill not say more because I am passionate about this issue and have a fear of my comments being deleted...
For: medication contest
One snowy cold day, all the pigeons cuddle up for warmth, but not every pigeon is so lucky.
For: pigeons contest
Water drops on a cd case
For: levitation contest
Shot taken with IR filter
For: white contest
I used cornstarch to thicken the coffee so I could draw with it.
Most likely a situation now one would want to be in.
For: frogs contest
2205, 100 years after the resettlement of the human kind on Earth with the story of Wall-E and Eve, people prolong the life by transforming into hybrid robot. They are trying to recover the Earth with green color, but up to that time, most of the Earth surface is still covered with pollutants. Peopl...