183 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Drivenslush

OH NO! LOL.. very funny and cute author.. poor squirrel LOL good luck

(5 years and 3101 days ago)

nice trip
no avatar

thumbs up from me... wonderful entry author..

(5 years and 3101 days ago)

nice trip
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

What a cool looking, soft balloon! Great idea, nice execution!

(5 years and 3101 days ago)

nice trip
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The color of the church is a bit too cool for the rest of the image. Perhaps a warming filter at a low opacity would help, but a nice chop.

(5 years and 3123 days ago)

avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 3123 days ago)

from under
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

I was, too. But the baby's too well lit. If it is under the planet's shadow, the baby should be all in shadow, not casting a shadow of itself...

EDIT: Better, now the baby looks more in the shadow.

(5 years and 3124 days ago)

from under
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The shadow of the planet, and the lighting on the baby do not match up.

(5 years and 3125 days ago)

from under
avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 3128 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The white spots are somewhat crooked on the nose...I think it would help with consistency if they were under (and above) both eyes, rather than just the tiger half.

(5 years and 3131 days ago)

 tigerine avatar
avatar aheman
aheman says:

leave the tree, but I suggest you 'tone-down' the mood of the whole image.

the rocks n tree is too sharp with high-contrast... a more dreamy feel should be applied

(5 years and 3131 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

You'd get a better vote with a SBS.

(5 years and 3131 days ago)

 tigerine avatar
avatar hazem
hazem says:

that is something very good ,good luck

(5 years and 3132 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Very interesting, but I don't see the shoe as the focal point as required by the contest theme.

(5 years and 3132 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

"do you want me to chop it down ????"

That would certainly give it a new twist on an old concept!

The hamster is too brightly illuminated for the rest of the image, and that one star brush on the RH side is a bit fake looking, but overall, you've made a nice image.

(5 years and 3132 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Very good blend author Good Luck!

(5 years and 3132 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The "tree growing out of an object to simulate surrealism" is getting really old. Otherwise it's not a bad image. GL author.

(5 years and 3132 days ago)

avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

Bigfoot meets Chimp girl and this is the kids?

(5 years and 3136 days ago)

the new arrivals
avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:


(5 years and 3136 days ago)

elephant affair
no avatar
andi says:

i think there are no monkey that walk straight like this species one earth

(5 years and 3139 days ago)

the new arrivals
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nothing new here...

(5 years and 3139 days ago)

the new arrivals
no avatar
happyme27 says:

it looks like all one animal....the two original species are way to similar

(5 years and 3140 days ago)

the new arrivals
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Not a bad blend, but a pretty obvious idea.

(5 years and 3140 days ago)

elephant affair
avatar Draco
Draco says:


(5 years and 3142 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The moon would be distorted on the ceiling...it's 2 different planes. The baseboard corners are off.

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

space room
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Nice idea to turn 3 birds into one

There's some room for improvement though, the blending can be better and the parrots head looks a bit small compared to the rest of the body.

(5 years and 3144 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The bottom of the wooden baseboard is a bit too light, especially since you have a "shadow line" along the top where it meets the wall - the bottom should have a wee bit of shadow where it meets the floor.

But overall, this is a very elegant and well constructed image. Nice work!

(5 years and 3146 days ago)

space room
no avatar
Keiley22 says:

one has to wonder what she is hanging from when its clear she is well into the water where no trees are hanging.
The lighting on the hanging girl is coming straight down where as in the backgroung it looks like its coming from the left of screen.
The girl in the water would not be so bright and would also be smaller, she looks bigger that the rocks behind her in the waterfall, and I only say this because you can see the water base near her legs which is throwing off the size.

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

kill the taraqueen
avatar aheman
aheman says:

the front spider on her lap is at a wrong angle as it is on the "web-net" and not flat on her lap.

somehow, i felt the ninja girl in black should be placed in the bushes, a more assasin-like fashion, juz a suggestion

(5 years and 3152 days ago)

kill the taraqueen
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Very mysterious image!
Just one thing: you cut model's right elbow...

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

kill the taraqueen
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The jumping salmon is very crudely extracted, with very sharp edges and a noticeable outline from the original background.

The contest source cloning you did for the bear is likewise quite crude and repetitive in patterning for the chest and stomach. The direction of the "fur" looks sideways, rather than vertical, which makes the cloning job look even worse.

The "pendulous breast" highlights between the chest and belly are non-existent in real bears. They don't have two breasts that weight would emphasize like that.

This is a good concept, but you need to be better aware of what you are attempting to render. Perhaps looking at some grizzly bear images would help. You also need to put a bit more effort into "seamless" cloning that is not so obvious, as well as taking more time to extract images with a bit more care so they do not look so harshly "cut and paste."

You might also consider cropping at least 1/3 of the empty blue sky off the top. It adds nothing to you image except too much dead space which detracts from your focal point, the bear.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

come on yogi
avatar lordymail
lordymail says:

very good effects! Congrats!

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

holy mary miracle cave
no avatar

Congrats on 2nd, well done.... : )

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

holy mary miracle cave
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3155 days ago)

holy mary miracle cave
avatar elemare
elemare says:

The elephant doesn't work well, but this image is very dramatic and attractive.

Your entry inspired me to abandon mine, LOL - I had the same idea of leaves on a plant, and even my color choices are the same on my very similar flowers. Oh well. I like yours.

Best of luck to you, Author!

(5 years and 3156 days ago)

swamp beauty
avatar aheman
aheman says:

l like this

just a suggestion, please make a blending of the wall towards the ceiling, now looks like two separate items pieced together....then, it's PERFECT!

(5 years and 3158 days ago)

holy mary miracle cave
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Looks amazing, i like the view, perhaps too much roof?

(5 years and 3160 days ago)

holy mary miracle cave
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Now it works...good luck author!

(5 years and 3161 days ago)

tour le moon
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Author, look at the Earth. Where is the light from? High right. Where's the light on the foreground rider from? Upper left. So either flip the rider, or flip the Earth. Either way the light source should match.

(5 years and 3161 days ago)

tour le moon
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good blend. The light on the rider in the foreground is from upper left. Might be good to rotate the Earth to match the light source.

(5 years and 3161 days ago)

tour le moon
avatar junkieball

Hi author good entry, just wanted to give you the heads up that sources 1, 3 & 4 requires a credit to the original author you may want to add this as wouldn't want to see your entry to be pulled by the mods. GL

(5 years and 3162 days ago)

tour le moon
avatar nanaris
nanaris says:

love the mood, good luck!

(5 years and 3199 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting/moody/dramatic but I think the near-perfect symmetry of virtually every element is excessive (i.e., too mirror-like) and ends up detracting from the potential impact of the central figure. The contrast of a largely-symmetric central figure situated within a somewhat chaotic environment would be more compelling IMO.

(5 years and 3202 days ago)

bull angel
avatar Drivenslush

some fade and burn to the water splashes might help for the blend (maybe just blur).. but that is just IMHO.. it's a very inventive chop.. good luck!!!!!!

EDIT: my favorite part is how the face is mooshed into the hands.. it's WONDERFUL!!!!!

(5 years and 3203 days ago)

bull angel
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Very cool image, I would try to match the lighting of the background image. Seems like the horns and the backs of the horses you used could use some more light from the top of the image, equally important would be shadows from that strong light...good start.

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar layerstack

Good work author!!

(5 years and 3205 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar Androla
Androla says:

good job!

(5 years and 3206 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar Drivenslush

awesome mood!!!

(5 years and 3206 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

neatly done..good luck

(5 years and 3220 days ago)

it was just a dream
avatar CrystleClear

oooohhh very nice author, this is actually pretty well blended, i would love to visit if it was real ! lol

(5 years and 3220 days ago)

private tropical island
avatar rbrum
rbrum says:

The stairs are too oversized...

(5 years and 3221 days ago)

private tropical island