1055 comments given:
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

swirly. :lol: on the way to the bathroom. :lol: oh dear!!!! nice play on words there!!! Good Luck!

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

I truly love this. Sadness is a raw emotion and I think you captured that raw feeling in the way you drew this. Nicely done!

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Sad Song
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jadedink says:

I loved this one! Congrats on third!

(5 years and 3445 days ago)

Native American Beulah
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jadedink says:

Congrats nator!

(5 years and 3445 days ago)

Gun Fight
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jadedink says:

Congrats onyour first place! Nicely done!

(5 years and 3445 days ago)

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jadedink says:

Congratulations on your third place: )

(5 years and 3445 days ago)

female undead
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

it is creepy. i like all of it but the eyeballs..
but you definitely put your own style into this contest.

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

A Young Cauldron Born
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

when you upload your piece, make sure to check the box stating "upload high res" image when you do it. and if you do any edits on the image, you need to be sure to check that box again.

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

Ruptured Heart
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

*agrees with erikuri*
definitely something i would think about...or just change the blending mode? to an overlay?

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

zombie waiting
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

have to agree with cmyk. blowing it up on hi res really shows the issues.
around the nose its really blurred/smudged.
the "cracks"? in her skin should be softened.
would havebeen nice if you'd cropped the piece down to really put emphasis on your main character.

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

Bellatrix Lestrange
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

this is making me laugh. seriously. :lol: i love the look on her face!!!!!

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

Just behind you...
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

WOWOWOWOWOW. nicely done. i love the whole concept.

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

Where is he when ya need
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

what brushes did you use?
i think you might be missing credits.

I almost used this exact stock image! Good luck.

(5 years and 3450 days ago)

Pxleyes Virus
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Nicely done with the textures. There are some brushes out there that do the same thing but what you did is great! Actually one I can give a decent comment to. I do agree with cmyk about the hair being a bit funky on the edge....

(5 years and 3452 days ago)

female undead
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Awesome construction! Good luck!

(5 years and 3453 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Corn startch! *doh* I knew that baking powder thing was prob wrong. I had baking soda down, but then erased it. :lol: no matter! Nice to see this image anyway....its likely the most creative way to showcase a speaker!

(5 years and 3453 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

I believe it can be done with a mixture of baking powder and water, where its mixed quite thick to give it solidity in a gooey sort of fashion. I do belive that there is some different ways of achieving that effect with different mixtures. When the music is playing, it causes the liquid-ish solid to "dance" with the vibration created by the speakers.
I think I would have covered stuff with saran wrap to eleviate some of your mess, as it can be quite a chore to clean up.

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Of course YOU would do that. :lol: shoulda known.

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Omg! I saw this on big bang theory! Amazing experiment and wonderful way to approach the "speaker" photo theme! Well done!

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

The colors are great! And the glisten of all the glass is very nice. I've a hunch who this author is..... :lol:

*edit* I was right. ;P good luck!

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

For Tobacco Use Only
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

my point still is, you can't really SEE the source being used. i mean, i HAD to look at the 9 step sbs just to see if you'd tried to use the source in any other way.

Don't take all of this the wrong way, its just, there are SOOOO many entries in different contests in which the source is minimal, or...barely seen at all. I was just trying to be helpful in suggesting using it in a way which people could see without having to look through 9 steps on how to make a leafy text.

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

....makes a nice cup of tea!
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

...and a 9 step sbs to show it.
i think you could have made the source more relevant to the piece. such as making a background for the hand to be over instead of the original sources background. would have brought more attention to the source image of the contest.

(5 years and 3454 days ago)

....makes a nice cup of tea!
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

well for what you were going for, according to your comments, you managed.it was for fun.
and thank you for pointing out that cows couldn't rule the world. nor could they build the white house. the white house wouldn't even exist, if humans didn't exist. and...i believe their government would be a Mooo-narchy. *dead silence* yeah..bad humor..i know..

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

im going to work baby
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

This is a great entry. probably my favorite one, because its not a cow forced into an awkward human positioning that their natural skeleton would never allow for, no matter what evolution took place. I like the old time feel, the suit, the entire blend. nicely done. Best of luck to you.

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

Herbert Hooves
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

:lol: this is good blending. i like the clothing, especially the addition of the accessories...bracelets and such. the way the cow is sitting isn't at all the way a cows build would bend, but...its still an awesome chop. considering the guidelines and all.

Nicely done.

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

the hands are odd. and...i'm stuck on this "butcher" thing thats happened in two entries. cows are vegetarians. flat teeth. no canines. what use do they have for meat? and...if they eat meat, would they be "mad cow"'s ?

what sort of meat is that anyhow?

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

meat fix
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

like the motion blur..and the look on the cows face. do think his hoof could use a little work, as the "wrist" of it needs to be a bit thicker, imo.

*snicker* bovine boulevard. :lol:

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

Cow Drive
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i am still caught up on the fact that cows have udders. not like they'd go out for human breast implants? i don't think any bull would find usless lumps in the wrong places attractive.

i do like the idea, and the humor...and i think the bunny ears could be more visable.
don't mind my comments on the udders. i'm just caught up in technicalities. :P

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

Moo Heffer
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

nice. at least the cows are controlling a believable predator of theirs, considering humans aren't supposed to exist in this alternate reality.

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i like your take on the "evolution" of a cow. at least this gives some background into why some of these cows are in entirely "unnatural" positions. the entire time this contest has been up, i keep thinking HOW can these cows be living in any "human" conditions if there were NO humans, like the contest description says.

however, i do think Catholic church would have to be changed...to "Calf-lick" because its funnier.

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

Cowtican City
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

funny, but cows have udders. you'd think her bra would be lower and actually covering the cows "breasts" ....so to speak. i mean...think a 8-cup bra. one cup for each tit. :lol: just thinking about it makes me laugh.

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

Cow dominatrix - Madam Bovine
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

awesome. now this is a creative way to approach the "box". nicely done!

(5 years and 3455 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i like the dof here.
it really works well in grayscale.

(5 years and 3456 days ago)

Butt Seriously
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jadedink says:

and the flash killed it.

(5 years and 3456 days ago)

Pile of Trash
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jadedink says:

wow. the color of the water is just...amazing. what a great opportunity for an amazing shot!

(5 years and 3456 days ago)

A long way down
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

its too bad the sun blew the highlights out so bad around her face.

although, the water looks absolutely wonderful!

(5 years and 3456 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Its a minimalists idea of garbage. But still garbage. I like the simplicity of the shot. good luck!

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Grey pencil
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

Somehow I didn't expect you author...but a wonderful shot and great example. Too bad our hearts don't let go as easily. Nice idea!

(5 years and 3459 days ago)

Moving On Without Her
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jadedink says:

Hehehe I liked this one! Congrats on ur second place!

(5 years and 3459 days ago)

The Big Boys Toy
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jadedink says:

Congrats on a very deserving first!

(5 years and 3459 days ago)

The Mystic
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jadedink says:

Good capture, but you used the same girl in two entries. Same sweater and all.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

I want one!
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

major LOL on this one. nicely done.

(5 years and 3461 days ago)

Will kill R2D2 for food
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i know yours right off the bat anymore. another lovely piece of work!

you've got an undeniable color pallet.

(5 years and 3461 days ago)

Magic Room
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

i'm in awe. every one of your works are just amazing.
can i enroll in tutoring from you? i'd love to learn how you do that! :O

anyway, lovely image. and congrats.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

behind the jungle
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

:lol: it is a bit fetish. Freud would have had a hayday with you.

lovely job author. i love the surrealism. the naked desert man is just waiting for the rain of brain-strawberries.

funny, but you'd think naked in the desert would give a terrible sunburn!!!

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

hehehe...the bikini top is facing forward while the bottoms are backwards. would make an awkward outfit.

nice shot, and good job with the HUMOR side of it.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

eye candy shadow
avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

makes me think of the deadbeat poets...mod squad girls. and this is definitely more eye candy than alot of the shots here...which are tacky to say the least.

amazing shot, andi wish you the best of luck with it.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

avatar jadedink
jadedink says:

our used book store has shelves like this lining the place, and the books are a mixed up jumble of topic and sorts... perhaps its a store like that?

(5 years and 3472 days ago)

never ending rows
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jadedink says:


(5 years and 3472 days ago)

A source of Water
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jadedink says:

"S" ?

(5 years and 3472 days ago)
