1055 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice mood author...is that just me but the little girls with the balloon's always creeping me off...

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Fields of Daydreams
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

My favorite! I was surprised to see you as the author But then again, I'm not surprised.


(5 years and 3362 days ago)

avatar Christy
Christy says:

SPOOKY!!!! Nice work...Best of Luck

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar CorneliaMladenova

So beautiful and inspiring

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Fields of Daydreams
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

See ya in the crypt

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

You know you can just bite me!

Perhaps a good reply to most these comments would be:

It seems the most fitting.

Absolutely awesome and I think a sure win. GL!

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar arca
arca says:

Wonderful creation! Very revolutionary concept

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar arca
arca says:

Creeeepppppyyy! Yikes!

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar arca
arca says:

Terrifyingly terrific! What an excellent image ... and I agree, I will avoid messing with you! I will even fav ... see I am being nice; you wouldn't want to bite little old me

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

mmmmm she be purdy!!! in a rotting corpse kinda way

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

I thought this was scary.....until I saw the source....I feel for the hubby and the kids when you`re having a bad day .....very well done author perfectly executed

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Holy cow, I better not mess with you and score you high = ) Nicely done. Very scary = )

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar Drivenslush

very well done woo hoo

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar RayTedwell

Really like it, I think I would have toned down the colour just a little, but still a really cool chop!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Great image!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Fields of Daydreams
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

This is really great!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

this is so sweet!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Fields of Daydreams
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

For some reason this fits you good humor and chop

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

I'm skeered...lol good work!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:


(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar George55
George55 says:

This is a nice image, but when I first saw it, my eyes were directed to the clouds, as they have a sharper highlight. If your main focus is the girl, just add some highlights to the yellow flowers on the left side, in the direction of the bright clouds, and this will bring the image together. Hope this helps.

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

Fields of Daydreams
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Cake, Pizza, taco-bell, hell it all sounds good after um...... ya...

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar greymval
greymval says:

It's well blended.

(5 years and 3364 days ago)

Drop Dead Gorgeous
avatar jbillitteri

Fits nicely.....gl

(5 years and 3364 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar greymval
greymval says:

It's a good blend. Use the Ctrl J overlay, lower oppacity trick to enhace it, or just play on curves.

(5 years and 3364 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar freejay
freejay says:

Good work....only recommendation is to adjust the exposure a touch

(5 years and 3364 days ago)

"let them eat cake"
avatar greymval
greymval says:

If you would have checked: private comments instead of public ones, you would have gotten more feedback from lurking anarchists like yourself,lol.

(5 years and 3365 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I had Higher hopes too

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Any Man
avatar Ory
Ory says:

Hrm, wish the angle was different when you shot this to get more bee and less flower.

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

wow...those eyes are amazinggggg...well done

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Portrait of an A.L.F.
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great job author...very cool integration of elements...best of luck

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Any Man
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Love your ALF story, and the use of the brightly colored fish is very inventive! Cool transformation work.

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Portrait of an A.L.F.
avatar erathion
erathion says:

What a great horror scene author...This 2 girls are probably Jason's little twin sisters...
Owl is a great touch...best of luck

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

We Two...
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Idea is nice author,but IMO would be better without ruins...U could place whole scene in some street that could remind on Gotham city...GL

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

City At War
avatar spaceranger
Moderator says:

Rules allow minor adjustments of color to a source image. Noise is considered a manipulation because pixels are altered in the process. Since the noise adjustment was the only change made it is considered a small adjustment and it has been decided to be acceptable for this application.
Images are reviewed individually to determine the level of manipulation, every effort is made to be fair in these evaluations. If you have a doubt about a source choice you can ask a moderator before posting your entry.

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

City At War
avatar arca
arca says:

Hi res for sure ... great statement image.

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

Any Man
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

Oh wow, great description. Im touched

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

Any Man
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Yep, we usually see aliens in grey, green, pale blue... your alien is unique and quite sexy!

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

Portrait of an A.L.F.
avatar arca
arca says:

Lovely work and I really enjoyed the story ... I, for one, would be happy to read the novel! Definitely one of my favourites!

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

Portrait of an A.L.F.
avatar arca
arca says:

Well done Author!

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

City At War
avatar arca
arca says:

Even creepier, I like the glow from the apples. And the owl stands out more now. I did not think the snow before was bad but I do think this works better.

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

We Two...
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Yes! Please! Everyone please view in high res. and read description.

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

Any Man
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

At first glance I was a little confused...

....But then I looked closer.

The description is awesome!

My fav!

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

Any Man
avatar greymval
greymval says:

This is nice, Magritte like

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

Any Man
avatar arca
arca says:

As Ponti said Creeeeppppy ... I would hate to meet those 2 on a dark stair way ... and try running away in the snow, slipping and sliding. I'd probably slip and fall and crack my head open. Maybe that is what they want! Okay, now I will definitely have nightmares tonight.

As to the snow. I can understand why you want it. If you PM me I can give you some tips on making snow brushes. Ponti's method works well and there are a few other things you can try that don't involve too much work.

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

We Two...
avatar taintedhockey

the snow looks like white blobs of damaged photo... haha it doesnt look like snow at all. and what about the source for the owl on one top of one of the bowls?

(5 years and 3372 days ago)

We Two...
avatar freejay
freejay says:

The author comments its a noise experiment.....not just the color and levels.

(5 years and 3373 days ago)

City At War
avatar freejay
freejay says:

Looks great ....the batman source seems ok.... but unfortunately the only problem is that the Joker source has already been manipulated by Sabbath photography who posted it on Flickr.

(5 years and 3373 days ago)

City At War
avatar Toothpick134

Source 1 (batman) doe's not work..

(5 years and 3373 days ago)

City At War