
a wild young bunny strayed away from its parents... i had to keep the dog inside for an entire evening just so i knew that little guy was safe.
For: bunnies contest
a wild young bunny strayed away from its parents... i had to keep the dog inside for an entire evening just so i knew that little guy was safe.
For: bunnies contest
Thanks to xomiphotography at deviant art for the model. thanks to lamollise at deviant art for the scissors. background image from my own personal stock. see sbs. Comments and Critiques are welcomed!
For: puppetize me contest
Comments, critiques, whatever, all totally welcomed. Thanks to Mizzd-Stock @ deviant art for the pose, and costuming..and inspiration for the piece.
like a woman scorned.
Used Open field source from previous Pxl Contest. Photo textures supplied by RawImage at deviant art. Thanks to them!
For: vent contest
Thanks to EViL-KiTTie-stock at deviantart .
used a purple fill light for added effect. edited in light room, raised clarity and raised black levels.
For: electrity contest
i found this wall outside a public restroom in a city park. its really quite funny. there is a different birdie on the women's side as well, but..this one was most photogenic. I made sure to crop it so the "mens" sign still shows...and i'm all about symbolism.
For: random art contest
Nothin like a burger, some french fries and a shake ...and of course, the T'bird. ;) airbrushed on a wall outside of a small town cafe.
For: random art contest
Comfortably Numb "Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home? Come on, now, I hear you're feeling down. Well I can ease your pain Get you on your feet again. Relax. I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts. Can you show me ...
For: pink floyd tribute contest
Or keeping the living out?
For: graveyards contest
Otherwise known as Serena, the main character from the show "Sailor Moon" ...once a manga, adapted into an english cartoon. For more information on this cartoon, see this wiki link :D
"The Last Song I'm Wasting On You" by Evanescence "Sparkling grey, They're my own veins. Any more than a whisper, Any sudden movement of my heart. And I know, I know I'll have to watch them pass away Just get through this day Give up your way, you could be anything, Give...
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
shot with an old sony digital mavica...the ones that still took the mini cdrw's. :P
For: ladybugs contest
a macro of tattooed skin..with some slight goosebumps. ;)
For: skin macros contest
Its my first time really playing with light effects like this. Its harder than i thought. :lol: Special thanks to Eirian Stock @ dA for the model Obsidian Gaze @ dA for the crumpled paper texture And Thanks to Obsidian Dawn for the lightening brushes. :)
For: light people contest
For my dear friend...we miss you so much down here. Rock on Brother Dugas.
always makes for the best shared happiness.
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
check sbs for original source image used in background changed some shadowing and replaced the wings with a new set. i wasn't happy with the original source's wings either, and after all the comments, i decided to change it up.