
For: blue wall contest
ran out of time. didn't know what to put as the background.
These bees are really sad because they are tired of working.
For: sunflowers contest
Note: All bands are real. The Nat Ballroom is not an actual ballroom, its just the name. Bands: If its to hard to read, the bands are The B-Team, As Tall As Lions, A Rocket To The Moon, and The Early November
This is like a real world manga/ cartoon character. So, the proportions are going to be a little off. Please don't say the proportions off. p.s. I will have the sbs up soon. There are a lot of layers so im going to make the sbs shorter so its not like 30 steps.
For: tennis ball contest
a lost dog can't find his mommy.
For: running dog contest
For: killer frog contest
For: killer frog contest
Will upload SBS in a few hours, so please don't complain. Sorry.
For: iguana contest
i used my own hand for this photo
For: towels contest
For: stone foot contest