Bacteria runaway

No external sources used.
For: many eyes contest
No external sources used.
For: many eyes contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
For: air balloons contest
For the first time R, G and B have dared to come out of the computer screen...And they can feel the nature..... they r away from virtual world..... experiencing the reality
For: air balloons contest
that made so much fun :D
For: harmony dd contest
Finaly.. something that's not disgusting.. i hope
These buggers are the bane of my yard and house.. one rainy night they got in to bed with me. No food around they just decide to get out of the rain by crawling in to my bed..
done with pens and colored pencils
For: tapes and cd contest
For: pencil paper contest
Cart modeled in 3ds max, environment in Vue 9.5 Xstream.
For: get seated contest
this is how they choose who is gonna compete
For: get seated contest
Two drop of paint become one
SAW.. anyone??
For: get seated contest
Chopper in a store near you.. Now with an aircraft engine
For: get seated contest
just vectors!
For: animal logos contest
For: decorated initials td contest
The perspective isn't perfect here, but the stone masons had one hell of a time.
For: decorated initials td contest