
Near our house after an ice storm
For: solid liquid contest
Near our house after an ice storm
For: solid liquid contest
I wish I could have done more of these but damn it was a mess to work with and ouch the dang things I melted them in was so flippin hot!
For: solid liquid contest
Ice cubes frozen with food colouring in a glass of water.
For: solid liquid contest
Using a pen light. Exposure 12.8 seconds.
For: light source contest
..nop.. it's not dead
This is my version of the Silver Surfer.
Meet the real Captain America !!
For: caricatures contest
my own version of a motorcycle...done in acrylic paint. anyone who knows motorcycles may look at this bike and say the motor looks strange, or the handlebars look odd for the body...I had to makeup some of it based on a few different it is a somewhat custom bike.
For: motorized td contest
I made a more realistic model than some of the others but its still within the theme limits so I am happy with that. The textures are self made from one of my own decks. and 18 cubes were used.
Human fragility, happy days gone by and the bond between mother and child expressed in exactly 20 cubes. * Background image used is of the 3D software's own collection. Please see SBS.
a toy giraffe...rendered in ambient occlusion
Thanks to Dollmommy for providing the stock photo.
For: portraits td contest
My friend's girlfriend
For: portraits td contest
pencil and watercolors
For: cats td contest
"You sonovagrinch! I hope you had a good time with mah girl cuz these snow guns will ruin yo' Christmas now!"
For: snowmen dd contest
drawn with woodless pencils of all hardness. drawn 2 years ago.
For: portraits td contest
I took this photo with my mobile phone. It was too cute to delete it
Oh wow, please check the high res before voting, this really did not compress well.
Archaelogist discovered the artifact which prove that the first art form was 3D. About 150.000 years BPS (before Photoshop). 3DS Max. Render with Defult Scanline Render. Thanks to Alelink for his great MaxScript.