bird of "paradise"

For: aniplants td contest
For: aniplants td contest
could use a rig like that.
For: steampunk contest
For: medication contest
For: medication contest
Thanks to Faestock and CAstock, Chulii-stoc and NightFateStock :)
For: bird house 2 contest
I Wanted to get the music raising off the C.D.! As each droplet has it's own individual set of reflections, it's own music lets say! A spray bottle, C.D. and natural light.
For: cds contest
A green purse
For: purses contest
this is the work i rendered in 3ds max and vray.thanx to cg textures and the morguefile for the textures.
For: free for all contest
modeled with 3ds max and rendered in v ray.basic modeling has been done.basic spline and for the maps default maps used.
For: duplication contest
Some things inside this strange Jack-o-lantern
the white path is from
No outside sources used. Full details in SBS.
For: bird house 2 contest
source and photoshop only