al muro

For: colorization contest
sbs coming soon
For: colorization contest
While walking our dogs through a field, I found a dragonfly covered with dew. I thought it was dead, but as the sun rose he started to slowly move and eventually flew away.
For: dew contest
I saw an entry with water effect, how about fire :D? This image of phoenixes I made for other contest, and this contest gives me chance to bring it to Pxleyes. Every comments and suggestions are very welcome. Credits comes to: Falln stock, Greencheck, Sitara Leota stock, Felixdeon, and dark dragon...
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
For: backlighting contest
The farmer in the dell, The farmer in the dell, Hi-ho, the derry-o, The farmer in the dell.
All materials are adaptations of those that come with the system and so have no sources. Modelled in C4D.
done with 3D Max and Real Flow, rendered with Mental Ray, took 7 hours to render.
3D S Max mental ray render. All materials are from material library contained in 3D Max 2010 (tutorials)
At Hopeman in Morayshire
For: footprints contest
Besides the pictures and the US flag on this headstone (seen in a Bucharest cemetry), on the horizontal slab there is this inscription: "Here lies Tony Montana, son of Marian Borcica and of Marcela, who has been betrayed by his wife Adriana".
She can be a real bitch when she doesn't get her way, but she's still sexy when she's angry. ;-)
For: angry woman contest
Source, Photoshop and Illustrator for some of the shapes.
For: iron valve contest