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avatar Drivenslush

Author, when resizing your spider make sure to hold down the shift key to prevent distortion (in photoshop). I like your reflection fade and if you take care to refine the debris (HI RES exposes this) with a simple small erase brush will bring the chop UP quite well. The ghosting effect along the edges of the legs can be remedied with a soft BURN/HIGHLIGHT brush.
Wonderful work and welcome to PXLeyes.

(5 years and 1528 days ago)

Beware the GODS
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Interesting idea, but try to clean up the selection of the spider. There are a lot of jagged edges. Sometimes it's better to use the pen tool or lasso tool than the magic wand tool.

(5 years and 1529 days ago)

Beware the GODS