Looking into the unknown

An insect walking along the rim of a deep flower peering into the depths to see if it should venture deeper into the unknown in search for food or drink.
An insect walking along the rim of a deep flower peering into the depths to see if it should venture deeper into the unknown in search for food or drink.
For: car brand 3 contest
Butterfly with long proboscis withdrawin it from a flower
A bee on a flower with so much pollen it can barely fly.
Male cardinal feeding the kids.
sitting at a restaurant watching the red.
jigsaw puzzle in box with other pieces still in the original box
For: puzzle contest
Puzzle lacking a few pieces
For: puzzle contest
Car brand hood ornament of an old Hudson, now no longer made
For: car brand 3 contest
sink, commode, seats
For: disposable society contest
Old fashioned double cast iron sink and fiberglass ladder
For: disposable society contest
old balconies with pretty flowers
For: balcony contest
A group of people who dress in middle ages outfits and fight for fun in areas designed for large battles
For: panos contest
For: balcony contest
Zennia or Zinnia unfurling its red petals
Hand made in Costa Rica - dark metal
For: wind chimes contest
wind chime with sky and roof in heavy contrast
For: wind chimes contest
Truck in bad shape
For: derelict vehicles contest
small wind chime
For: wind chimes contest
Once mighty beetle
For: derelict vehicles contest
Old automobile no longer useful
For: derelict vehicles contest