For: so strange contest
Exiting your persona can lead to better or worse things. Made adjustments from the suggestions given. Thanks! See high resolution.
For: so strange contest
painted in ps. No external sources used. Please see the sbs to see te complete process.
For: mixed manipulations 11 contest
I may not have a telephoto lens, but I know how to use it. :-)
Smeyes - A smile with your eyes.
I keep looking at this shot and thinking why on earth would I traumatize my friends like this, so then I thought I must add something to balance this madness out, hence my kitty. I use this old fisheye lense from another camera, and I had the camera on the floor, and I adjusted the levels, but th... camera!..actually its my second eye, I am blind in the left eye
Being a bounty hunter is not easy. Sandy Clowes can tell you about it, because she is one of them. Although you live for the danger and excitement, it's also a lonely and exhausting life. In the end you can't trust anyone... But ok, after all these years she's kind of used to it, the people, the t...
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
No reference used... I find myself more drawn to picasso's blue period, and that is what i was aiming to achieve with this piece. Done in oil pastels on velum bristol.
For: picasso td contest
Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one And down he did run. Hickory dickory dock.
Scott- Andrei- The Nightmare- ssbmf- Davide Guglielmo- Alicia Solario- misscheeky-http:...
For: go bananas contest
This rare bug can only be seen on the hottest of hot days in the Arizona desert. He can be seen hopping from side to side jumping and spinning with head thrown back as if singing. His fancy foot work and skillful pirouettes are something to behold as he scampers from shady spot to shady spot. ...
For: flanimals dd contest
This nocturnal squirrel sized critter has a luminescent ball on its tail that is meant to attract bugs for it to eat. Unfortunately it also attracts the Ogellax. Mesmerized by the glow of its own tail, it sits all night just waving the ball in its face and staring.
For: flanimals dd contest
credits to: xNickixstockx b-e-c-k-y-stock Falln-Stock
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest