Kodak Vollenda 620

    Kodak Vollenda 620
    top 3 entry

    Sold between 1932 & 1937, film size 127, original list price $44.50 (£27.75)

    For: photo equipment 2 contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 60.21%
    » Rank: 2 out of 44

    Snowy Sunset

    Snowy Sunset

    For: sun 2 contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 60.18%
    » Rank: 14 out of 125

    Old Friend

    Old Friend

    For: photo equipment 2 contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 58.26%
    » Rank: 7 out of 44



    For: self portraits 2 contest

    » Comments: 10
    » Score: 59.95%
    » Rank: 13 out of 113

    Greek Urn

    Greek Urn

    For: pottery contest

    » Score: 55.54%
    » Rank: 20 out of 43

    The Old Stables

    The Old Stables

    For: wildcard 1 contest

    » Comments: 6
    » Score: 60.85%
    » Rank: 7 out of 50



    For: breakfast contest

    » Comments: 6
    » Score: 57.83%
    » Rank: 4 out of 22

    Diageo Distillery

    Diageo Distillery

    For: industrial contest

    » Score: 56.73%
    » Rank: 18 out of 44

    Porridge with Banana

    Porridge with Banana

    For: breakfast contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 54.37%
    » Rank: 17 out of 22

    Peel Harbour

    Peel Harbour

    Mist rolls down the hill at Peel Harbour, Isle of Man

    For: fog contest

    » Score: 52.81%
    » Rank: 56 out of 67

    Brodie Castle

    Brodie Castle

    For: wildcard 1 contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 59.35%
    » Rank: 14 out of 50

    Air Vents

    Air Vents

    For: industrial contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 55.99%
    » Rank: 24 out of 44

    Very Thin Ice

    Very Thin Ice

    For: ironic contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 54.15%
    » Rank: 17 out of 25



    HDR shot today - Roseisle beach was used by the Americans and Canadians in training for the D-Day landings

    For: wildcard 1 contest

    » Comments: 5
    » Score: 60.34%
    » Rank: 10 out of 50

    Misted Lake

    Misted Lake

    For: fog contest

    » Score: 59.13%
    » Rank: 15 out of 67

    Time & Tide

    Time & Tide
    top 3 entry

    'Time and tide wait for no man'

    For: diptych contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 59.61%
    » Rank: 3 out of 19

    The Maltings

    The Maltings

    For: industrial contest

    » Score: 57.64%
    » Rank: 13 out of 44

    Muesli with Berries

    Muesli with Berries

    For: breakfast contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 57.35%
    » Rank: 6 out of 22



    For: boardgames contest

    » Score: 57.12%
    » Rank: 10 out of 39

    Recycled Giant

    Recycled Giant

    Giant sculpture made from recycled hardware

    For: going green contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 57.5%
    » Rank: 4 out of 33

    Love Lost

    Love Lost

    For: selective red contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 61.02%
    » Rank: 4 out of 111

    Let me out!

    Let me out!

    For: eggs contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 56.2%
    » Rank: 17 out of 51

    Mixed Marriage

    Mixed Marriage

    For: boardgames contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 56.56%
    » Rank: 15 out of 39

    For The Fallen

    For The Fallen

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

    For: selective red contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 54.41%
    » Rank: 56 out of 111