

    For: railings contest

    » Comments: 5
    » Score: 56.72%
    » Rank: 31 out of 64



    For: leaf closeup contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 59.17%
    » Rank: 12 out of 68

    Into the Sun

    Into the Sun

    For: city parks contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 57.04%
    » Rank: 9 out of 28

    Castle Roof

    Castle Roof

    For: rooftops contest

    » Score: 56.26%
    » Rank: 26 out of 57

    Mould on Railings

    Mould on Railings

    For: railings contest

    » Score: 54.41%
    » Rank: 51 out of 64

    Dylan Thomas

    Dylan Thomas

    For: candle heart paper contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 57.32%
    » Rank: 12 out of 19



    For: leaf closeup contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 58.58%
    » Rank: 17 out of 68

    Chimney Pots

    Chimney Pots

    For: rooftops contest

    » Score: 57.21%
    » Rank: 16 out of 57

    Virginia Creeper

    Virginia Creeper

    For: leaf closeup contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 54.81%
    » Rank: 46 out of 68

    Railings at Duffus

    Railings at Duffus

    For: railings contest

    » Score: 57.38%
    » Rank: 25 out of 64

    On the Beach

    On the Beach

    For: hidden letter contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 60.2%
    » Rank: 8 out of 56

    Dusty Staircase

    Dusty Staircase

    For: emptiness contest

    » Score: 58.14%
    » Rank: 17 out of 77

    Admiring the View

    Admiring the View

    For: from behind contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 56.77%
    » Rank: 32 out of 67

    Empty Steps

    Empty Steps

    For: emptiness contest

    » Score: 57.56%
    » Rank: 26 out of 77



    Just count 'em...

    For: hidden letter contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 53.72%
    » Rank: 43 out of 56



    For: from behind contest

    » Score: 55.81%
    » Rank: 38 out of 67

    Harry Potter

    Harry Potter

    Grateful thanks to JK Rowling for encouraging thousands of reluctant kids to read... We bought two of 'Deathly Hallows' to prevent any arguments.

    For: books contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 55.37%
    » Rank: 21 out of 29

    Duck Family

    Duck Family

    Found in a hotel I stayed in last year!

    For: rubber ducks contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 53.99%
    » Rank: 25 out of 27

    Lonely Sea

    Lonely Sea

    Taken in July 09... No boats, people or wildlife in sight

    For: emptiness contest

    » Comments: 6
    » Score: 56.89%
    » Rank: 35 out of 77

    Dog Lover's Books

    Dog Lovers Books

    For: books contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 56.47%
    » Rank: 15 out of 29

    Taking a breather...

    Taking a breather...

    For: from behind contest

    » Score: 53.5%
    » Rank: 61 out of 67

    Church Steeple

    Church Steeple

    For: hidden letter contest

    » Comments: 5
    » Score: 53.26%
    » Rank: 45 out of 56

    Patient Transfer

    Patient Transfer

    For: hero in action contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 52.4%
    » Rank: 14 out of 16

    Moon Jellyfish

    Moon Jellyfish

    For: washed up contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 58.8%
    » Rank: 7 out of 48