247 comments given:
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

please dont press the trigger hehehe...nice one...

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

Glorious Statement of me
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

beautiful model...

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

hahaha this is nice

(5 years and 2562 days ago)

avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:


(5 years and 2562 days ago)

avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

Congratulations Chrys you got it! Job well done.

(5 years and 2563 days ago)

Smile and I give you a flower
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

nice idea...classic...
--- i cant join---

(5 years and 2564 days ago)

We should leave things where they belong.
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

hahaha this funny...nice one..

(5 years and 2564 days ago)

Then and Now