Bad day for this outfit

Uuuhhh..its gonna rain! and I just got my dress stuck on the fence..oh god.. HELP!!!!.. Last link.. Grass / Thanks: Alfi007
For: so strange contest
Uuuhhh..its gonna rain! and I just got my dress stuck on the fence..oh god.. HELP!!!!.. Last link.. Grass / Thanks: Alfi007
For: so strange contest
There are 15!!!...
Used some custom shapes and fonts that comes with ps itself..
For: owl face contest
For: huge spider contest
I want to get home!... I'm lost and I'm so mad!!!... Little buddy look back! there they are!!!.
She wants the same treatment,and she is going for it..
Maintaining baby in a rare blue liquid on a rarest experiment...what for?..hhuummm??? only they know.
For the hearts and spades,I used photoshop shapes that come with the program itself.
For: wonderland contest
Give me a SWEET HUG!!...
For: honey drip contest
Used Fractalius Plugin,some burn tool,dodge tool,blur fx,red brush color and glow fx.
For: sepia girl contest