What are your hobbies?
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joselygrysson: I love taking photographs and listening to music.

What is your favorite movie?
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joselygrysson: The devils wear prada

Who is your favorite singer/band?
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joselygrysson: whitney and shakira

What is your favorite song?
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joselygrysson: dance with my father

What is your favorite television show/soap/sitcom?
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joselygrysson: Oprah show and ellen show

The most beautiful man in the world according to you?
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joselygrysson: my parents

Do you have any pets?
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joselygrysson: i have a dog

Do you watch sports and which ones?
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joselygrysson: yes basketball

What is your favorite food?
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joselygrysson: Adobo ( filipino food)

What is your favorite colour?
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joselygrysson: light blue

Love or Lust?
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joselygrysson: love

Vanilla or chocolate?
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joselygrysson: vanilla

Summer or winter?
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joselygrysson: winter

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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joselygrysson: Picasso

Black or white?
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joselygrysson: white

Coffee or tea?
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joselygrysson: coffee

What is your favorite photoshop tool?
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joselygrysson: patch tool or brush

What is your favorite photoshop filter?
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joselygrysson: portraiture

What do you love most on PXLEyes?
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joselygrysson: I love their photos, magazine and of course the members because we have the same interest.

What do you hate most on PXLEyes?
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joselygrysson: nothing

Did you make any new friends on PXLEyes?
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joselygrysson: yes karol

Who is your idol at PXLEyes?
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joselygrysson: karol and dimitris