
For: welcome back contest
For: welcome back contest
Did this Hobbit movie inspired speed painting of Golum two years ago... References were from google itself but this drawing is fresh. Hope it meet the guidelines..
For: welcome back contest
I might as well show one more that I liked doing, took a real long time to put together all of the images,...too many to show or find again.
For: welcome back contest
This took pretty much all weekend. A LOT of hours, but the further I got into it the more I was liking it, so I just kept going and going! Finding new places that I thought there needed to be feathers and so on. It was a ton of fun to make, hope you all enjoy it :)
For: new species contest
--- Chats behind the screen: P: "Hey, Author... it's a nice creation!" X: "X-treme TRANSFORMER robot, Author!" L: "It's not a robot, you idiot... it's TRON!" Author: "Thanks, P. But the rest of you, X,L, it's not a Transformer either Tron. It's what ...
A friend of mine who happens to have lots of wonderfully colorful tattoos! I did lots and lots of sharpening, some brightness/contrast, color balance and some saturating.
For: contest
Special thanks to: Fantasy Stock: http://fantasystock.deviantart.com/ mjranum-stock: http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/
For: kavia bowl contest
No idea is simple when you need to plant it in somebody else's mind.
For: minimalist poster contest
Thanks to NightFateStock
For: cheeseburger contest
source and photoshop
For: pick me contest
source only used *****adjustments made: widened foreground image, desaturated background a bit******
For: glass dove contest
Thanks to Ahrum-Stock and Starlightspoint7 for their images :)
I did something similar years ago with a picture of my Girl and a starfish..now it was time to use my sons picture with this star..:)
For: iron star contest
Destroyed London in the future....
For: sand mass contest
Friend or foe?
For: gas mask contest
(soft pop music in the background) Are you a horse? Do you have a few extra pounds you need to lose? You tried everything and no results? Don't worry Sexy Horse diet pills will help you to get the great body you always wanted.With just 39,99 $ you get one + one FREE bottle.If you call us now you...
Its bullseye from Toy Story. No direct reference used....just studied the toy.
The background photo I used is one of my own.
For: park walk contest