3475 comments given:
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

a lot of hard work it looks like

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I like the idea

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

A Mother
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I like the message.

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

we are all the same...
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

you must have worked hard on this

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Die garten
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

nose is good, ears are blurry. good job though.

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Miss Piggy
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

good blending

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

lobster girl
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

the plain background is perfect because you can see the important things better.

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Exotic Dancer
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3846 days ago)

luxurious cart
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

hee hee hee cute

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

mama mia!
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

your welcome. it looks awesome!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Stone cube
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

wow! Even in high resolution, it looks like this was meant to be there! Awesome!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Breaking Free
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

neat imagination!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

The Blue Knight
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I liked the step 7 the best because you can see what is n the pic.

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Just an old village
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

great imagination!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Revenge of the Crabs ...
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3846 days ago)

long time ago....
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

you nailed the idea! great job!

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3847 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

Awesome job!

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Kitty Dog
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

good job!

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Dragon Slayer
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

ha ha depends on whether you look at it half full or half empty......or whether you are their parents lol

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

zip them
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Wolf in Sheeps clothing!
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

alien crab? lol

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Just Looking Around
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I love the filters and love the outcome! Awesome job!

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

the beauty within...
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

GREAT JOB! It has a lot of meaning.

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

you are next !
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

it looks like the big bug in the middle is pooping ewwwwwe. lol

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Tasty jelly
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3848 days ago)

Rise of the Bird God
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

you did a great job taking the bricks out.

(5 years and 3848 days ago)

Birds Haven
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

awesome idea! I like it.

(5 years and 3848 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3850 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

Very good! Love the name a lot!!!!

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Heroes Below Stones
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

that had to be a lot of work. love that name!

(5 years and 3850 days ago)

Imagine Peace
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I like the softness of the picture

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Coconut Island
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Cloud tether
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

very cute!

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

The Call...
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

nice looking

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Green Planet
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

nice idea--the stone looks off because there isn't a shadow under it. Try putting a shadow under it.

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Stone cube
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

this reminds me of a water fountain

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:

my eyes were playing tricks on me when I first looked at it. It looked like the necks have scars on them and it looked as if there was a crack (sort of like a ceramic crack) down between them---then I looked at the high resolution and realized those were necklaces. lol

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

african twins freak show
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I like this look

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Withered Bride
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

now this is exactly what this one should be about!!! It says it all! AWESOME! Remember our troops and our veterans!

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Remembering a Fallen Brother
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

good job at cutting him/her. trees look fine--the sun is shining on them. wires look fine too.

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Confronting His Alter Ego
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Machines of loving grace
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Indian look
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

love it!

(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Pretty Speech...
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Golden dinosaur
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3851 days ago)

Kung Fu