I made this in Bryce 3D with no external sources used. I didn't save my steps originally so I went through the steps again so I could make a step-by-step guide. Sorry for any inconvenience.
For: future views contest
I made this in Bryce 3D with no external sources used. I didn't save my steps originally so I went through the steps again so I could make a step-by-step guide. Sorry for any inconvenience.
For: future views contest
Hey, it is Mr. Lillyman! He has to find his way in and out of the maze to eat all the Lilly Flowers. The more he eats, the bigger of a lillypad he gets......better for frogs. LOL I only used the source image.
For: water lily contest
Yes, it is a hornet's nest but the bees took over. The bees came from ace-clipart.com--thanks to that site. (http://www.ace-clipart.com/photos/bee/bee-photo-01.jpg)
For: hornet nest contest
This is an example of making fractals using copy and pasted images. Only source image used.
Imagine yourself walking to the shore of the lake, the grass beneath your toes.....just before you reach the edge, you stop for a moment. Your dog pauses and waits for you, watching your every move as a dog does. You take in the soft cool air on your face blowing from above the water. The smell is l...
For: grass contest
all source image
For: tidy station contest
Roof being lifted, tree uprooted, tractors being lifted away.... All source- used VanDerLee snowflakes plugin and Eye Candy 3.1 motion trail plugin. Alot of cutting, cloning, rotating.
For: hurricane contest
http://www.flickr.com/photos/cindy47452/2539625209/sizes/l/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/12760128@N04/2381390334/sizes/l/
If children only realized that it is better to tell someone.... This picture depicts what I went through. No outside sources used
For: human rights contest
When I looked at the tiny wrinkles in her lips, all I could see is veins of a rose or flower. Thank you for the fairy image 24443965@N08 Edit: I have added more shadow and changed the color of the fairy.
For: lips contest
For: autumn trees contest
This picture was made with only painting, smudging and blurring plus two default patterns that came with the program. No outside sources used.
For: aion world contest
EDIT: cropped
For: stairs contest
thanks: sanjoselibrary 7202153@N03
Since when do thrift stores do HIV testing?