
updated according rto the suggestions....
For: white castle contest
updated according rto the suggestions....
For: white castle contest
For: white castle contest
Thanks to Mjranum and Dezzan-stock
For: weaving contest
Graveyard is sourceimage from a previous contest.
For: restaurant placement contest
Based on the H.G.Wells classic. These cute little aliens love burning up a planet for fun.
For: mate contest
Don't forget to check the high res image ;)
For: restaurant placement contest
used a reference of a dog to achieve this http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/104269
For: straw bales contest
For: restaurant placement contest
These would be a lotta help for many
This was to be entered into the Theme contest for PXL Tutorials http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/14099/pxl-tuts.html The tutorial used was Lodd's How to Create a Circle Polyorama http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/1544/How-To-Create-A-Circle-Polyorama.html Thank you to the fol...
For: old contests contest
For: mate contest
all done in photoshop cs4
For: yellow pills contest
Only source image and PS
For: wind wheels contest
For: chess pieces contest
I started with the idea of the river comming down from the sky...then I just kept on going xP
For: indian river contest
Thanks to Gabriella Stock
For: mushroom contest
Thank you to feelidae for the use of the stock photo 'Coloured horse' and thank you to amcmillan for the stock photo 'Good Fences Make Good Neighbors' these photos were used as a guide to create the Knight.
For: chess pieces contest
Hehehe... Thanks to Anna Paula at Flickr.
For: egg contest