Left in the Cold

I was working on a flash assignment for a college Photo Arts class. I ventured out in the cold to work on direct flash. Even the hydrant looked lonely and cold in the snow.
I was working on a flash assignment for a college Photo Arts class. I ventured out in the cold to work on direct flash. Even the hydrant looked lonely and cold in the snow.
Taken with a Canon 7D. ISO of 400. Lens set to 135mm. At f/8 and 1/500 second.
I had a flash assignment for my college Photo Arts class. I was suprised to see at least 15 robins in the trees outside my dorm. This is a weird occurance seeing as I'm living in cold and usually gray Upstate New York. The robins are usually outta here by November, but they stuck around for a lot lo...
For: birds contest