886 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Iluvscrappy

Maybe it is a meaningful metaphor representing the cracks in our economy..maybe it represents the average down and out citizen chopping the head off injustice and fear and taking charge of his life. Or maybe it is just a fantabulous pic!! P.S. I've always wished I could rock a trenchcoat.

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar fatmike85
fatmike85 says:

Brilliant. Maybe on day I'll learn to shoot something like this. Bravo!

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

Peace, brothers and sisters! The bottom line is that this is a unique piece of photographic art, brilliantly set up and lighted. The "horror" part of the equation is purely symbolic, and this is more than obvious. Greetings to all

(5 years and 2897 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar Wayne Cheah

If this is a scene from a movie, what classification would it be labelled under in your country? In my country, I think it would be at least R18, meaning anyone under 18 would not be admitted. If decapitating a woman (or man) and carrying and walking around with her (his) head in one hand and the axe (in this case) is not gore, violence, then what is? Would an artistic photo which shows, or implies as in this case, a woman has just been raped on a dark and lonely cracked road be OK for this contest, without showing any pubic hair of course.

(5 years and 2897 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Well, I'm not going to be drawn into some protracted discussion where everyone sees you're wrong but you. There is no real controversy as it has already been posted that "This entry has been seen and approved by the Mods...there is nothing in this image that violates the rules of this site." Second, a philosophical discussion pertaining to violence etc. should take place in the forum, not on a specific entry. I would tell you to red flag it if you don't like it, but the mods have already approved it. Just let it go. The world will keep turning

(5 years and 2898 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Well... I'm almost a little afraid to add my two cents. I am usually not one to shy away from pointing out if I think an entry is not appropriate since there are kids on the site. But, I don't think ( just MHO) this shot falls into that category. The head is obviously fake. There is no evident blood or guts etc. You see things far more graphic than this on an average night of television. If it was a close-up, with dripping blood and gore at the neck, I'd probably be agreeing with you. But this image is a bit sanitized. If I had any complaint, it would probably be that the figure draws attentiuon away from the cracks in the road. But it's a nice shot.

(5 years and 2898 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Brilliant! Obviously thought provoking. Evil. Captivating.
I sympathize with some of the points raised but we are in a generation of CSI and the evening news.
We are drawn to evil. That is why this image captures emotion. I think it is an amazing entry.

(5 years and 2898 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar UncleJimmy
Moderator says:

This entry has been seen and approved by the Mods...there is nothing in this image that violates the rules of this site, no undue blood or gore, no extreme nudity...we consider this matter closed, if any members have other issues with this image, please use the Red-flag's and we will consider each response for its own merit...otherwise, the argument with the author is unmerited.

(5 years and 2898 days ago)

The road to hell...
no avatar
dem90 says:

Ok nem, think about it, if something lacks taste, it is tasteless! That is kinda the definition of tasteless. And also, I think this is the most unique approach to the theme for the contest yet. All the other entries are just images of cracks in a road, while this evokes emotion and thought that the other fail to do. What makes a photo is incredibly subjective. I look a photos in two ways some are just meant to be pretty, and some are meant to evoke emotions and ideas. If a photo does either of those, then I consider it a decent photo. I consider this a great photo because the emotion you get from it is almost the same for everyone, it is quite clear what the photographer was trying to do. This site being "family friendly" I actually have problems with. They claim to be "fine art photography" and "family friendly" and the two can not exist in the same sentence unless one has a not in front of them. And for the photo being removed because of a pubic hair, I've had photos removed for even more ridiculous reason. I almost left because of how picky they were getting. I don't agree with it. And if they do show favoritism, it isn't the author's fault, you should be going to the mods about it, not the author. there really isn't anything he can do about people favoriting his work.

(5 years and 2898 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar Juniper
Juniper says:


(5 years and 2898 days ago)

I Want to Break Free
avatar Heathcliffe

Oh wow. Seriously brilliant. Your pic has just about psyched me, and probably everyone else out of entering this week. You deserve to win it. Well done !!

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar UncleJimmy

wow...nicely done...

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar tnaylor21286

Amazing photo!

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
no avatar

Hey, that's my ex-husband!!! Great work. So sinister. Love it!

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Didn't I see this guy around my neighborhood?

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

The road to hell...
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:


(5 years and 2899 days ago)

I Want to Break Free
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Congrats with a spot in the next round

(5 years and 2899 days ago)

Everything that...
avatar FallingHorse

Cool - it's the Matrix

(5 years and 2902 days ago)

Everything that...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Interesting composition

(5 years and 2902 days ago)

U fill me...
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:


(5 years and 2903 days ago)

Everything that...
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

I had to view this in HR to really see how cool this shot is, well done =)

(5 years and 2903 days ago)

Everything that...
avatar Yank
Yank says:


(5 years and 2911 days ago)

The dragon & the princess...
no avatar
M.Sh says:

Oh, this is great!

(5 years and 2913 days ago)

The dragon & the princess...
avatar William
William says:

Beautifully done!

(5 years and 2914 days ago)

The dragon & the princess...
avatar William
William says:

I take my hat off. I love the color and atmosphere

(5 years and 2916 days ago)

In memory...!
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

great lighting

(5 years and 2917 days ago)

In memory...!
no avatar

Very nice still life. Beautiful lighting.

(5 years and 2919 days ago)

In memory...!
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:


(5 years and 2919 days ago)

In memory...!
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Beautifully done

(5 years and 2920 days ago)

In memory...!
avatar Yank
Yank says:

Nice composition and thx for the description

(5 years and 2921 days ago)

Wanna play...?
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Congrats on 1st place, wonderful work as always.

(5 years and 2921 days ago)

Wanna play...?
avatar TwilightMuse

Awesome! I love it

(5 years and 2925 days ago)

Wanna play...?
avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 2925 days ago)

Wanna play...?
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

Like a still from a horror movie! The angle helps bring out the element of terror. Great job, author.

(5 years and 2925 days ago)

Wanna play...?
avatar Yank
Yank says:

Unless the reader is Japanese

(5 years and 2934 days ago)

At the end of the rainbow...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

The black strip is Fine, but in my opinion it should be on the right side of the treasure chest.

(5 years and 2934 days ago)

At the end of the rainbow...
avatar ShiZa
ShiZa says:

#fantastic image!! please kick the completely black stripe on the left side.... it's senseless and makes your wonderful photo a little bit boring anyway well done and good luck!

(5 years and 2934 days ago)

At the end of the rainbow...
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

That's the spirit, author. A plus

(5 years and 2934 days ago)

At the end of the rainbow...
avatar Wayne Cheah

非常好 !!!!

(5 years and 2935 days ago)

avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

Great work indeed

(5 years and 2935 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

nice work

(5 years and 2936 days ago)

no avatar

Nice Atmosphere

(5 years and 2936 days ago)

no avatar

awesome, and congrats.

(5 years and 2957 days ago)

The unforgiven...
avatar nikita61
nikita61 says:

congrats, well deserved..!

(5 years and 2958 days ago)

The unforgiven...
avatar Yank
Yank says:

Nice work! Goes to my fav

(5 years and 2960 days ago)

Wish you were here...
avatar Barbara Watson
Barbara Watson [banned] says:

Thinking outside of the box Great concept.

(5 years and 2962 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

I had a lot of fun goggling that.

(5 years and 2962 days ago)

The Philadelphia Experiment...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 2962 days ago)

avatar DW Photo

what a lovely b/w portrait, if i were to guess it is a 1 light set up.. it works well here. nicely done

(5 years and 2963 days ago)

What have we become...?
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Great shot. Love the lighting. But, he doesn't have a ton of wrinkles (but I guess the theme didn't specify a number)

(5 years and 2965 days ago)

What have we become...?