886 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Very nice author! Thank you for sharing your lighting technique.

(5 years and 3179 days ago)

Bittersweet symphony...
no avatar
kathyw says:

thank you

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

no avatar
kathyw says:

absolutely wonderful would love to know how you did this

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

absolutely wonderful composition and lighting... love it

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

I bow to you, 'Master of light'

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

one word: WOW

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on first Place Win

(5 years and 3184 days ago)

Road tripin...
avatar Teebone100

over the top fr sure!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Le désir insatiable
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Congrats on First Place Win

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar William
William says:

The effort paid off handsomely. Great job!

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Road tripin...
avatar rakib888
rakib888 says:

great work

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

Road tripin...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Absolutely brilliant, and I can only think of 1 member who goes to this kind of trouble. well done.

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

Road tripin...
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on First Place

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Congratulations on yet an other well deserved win.

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

creepy, and well done

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
avatar Teebone100

chills fr sure

(5 years and 3197 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
avatar Toothpick134

wow even I'm starting to feels spooky Great Job!

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

No peace here, just deep thought and a very lonely feeling photo. Nice job author!

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar William
William says:

Amazing shot. Congratulations!!! Great combination with the song, I loved the mood.

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot,

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
no avatar
dem90 says:

I love the composition, the lighting is perfect, the posture, everything is amazing, but the expression of the model reads at peace to me, not alone. That is the only problem I have with this photo, is that it is staged, and the model is for the most part, blank. There is no real emotion i this. This is a perfect, your technique is amazing, I recognize your work when I see it because of your technique. But I don't always see a lot of emotion in your photos. I'm not saying that is bad, but it is something you need to be aware of.

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar Angloaussiekiwi

what camera do you use. Please

(5 years and 3199 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on first Place Win

(5 years and 3200 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar Rumi
Rumi says:

congrats very nicely done

(5 years and 3201 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Congrats, a wonderful idea and photograph, I of course knew who the author was as soon as I saw the photo.

(5 years and 3201 days ago)

Rainy day.
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:


(5 years and 3201 days ago)

Dead end...
no avatar
olga says:

Honestly I was stunned while reading text! Your photo and this song together making amazing mood!

(5 years and 3203 days ago)

Here in the dark...
no avatar
olga says:

Beautiful photo! Beautiful song! I even found it on youtube...Thank you for the mood!

(5 years and 3203 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar adeincyprus

I just knew this was your work my friend.......

(5 years and 3203 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

That is a really cool shot. i like it - except for those beads (or whatever they are). Almost make her look reptilian

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Here in the dark...
avatar Drivenslush

reminds me of all the old scary horror comedy flicks.. you know.. three stooges... abbot and costello... heheheh. great job (such a great bad guy)

(5 years and 3206 days ago)

The  immortals...
no avatar
vysakhk says:

n nice editin too

(5 years and 3207 days ago)

The  immortals...
no avatar
vysakhk says:

xcellent shot

(5 years and 3207 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Wonderful shot! Very artistic.

(5 years and 3207 days ago)

Rainy day.
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Awesome shot author! Thanks for including the original photo in the SBS.

(5 years and 3207 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar RayTedwell

Brilliant job, love it!

(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Rainy day.
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Rainy day.
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

wonderful photograph

(5 years and 3209 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very cool shot... but I'm not sure how immortal they were when they used wicker armor.

(hrmmmmm... do I recognize those eyes?)

(5 years and 3209 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar Iluvscrappy

Fabulously creepy! I'm going to need a hug.

(5 years and 3211 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar xogx2002
xogx2002 says:

We'll put their name to the test.

(5 years and 3211 days ago)

The  immortals...
avatar Androla
Androla says:

definitely there are skin problems.....nevertheless wonderful idea! good luck!

(5 years and 3212 days ago)

The Frog Prince...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

It's lovely, really like this on.

(5 years and 3212 days ago)

The lab...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

generally I like this very much. I like the idea, composition, and lighting... but there's something about the skin texture that doesn't seem quite right

(5 years and 3212 days ago)

The Frog Prince...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

I liked the first on better.

(5 years and 3213 days ago)

The lab...
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on first Place

(5 years and 3213 days ago)

A touch of blue...
avatar BeardedWorm

Awesome is what comes to my mind. Great shot author, it could be no other but you.

(5 years and 3213 days ago)

Dead end...
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Wonderful, but has it been changed from an earlier upload?

(5 years and 3214 days ago)

The lab...
no avatar
olga says:

Extremely amazing mood in this photo! Best of luck!

(5 years and 3214 days ago)

The lab...