Product presentation.

For this effect i used a flash light (with adjustable light beam) & i blew smoke on the light ray. 2 sec exposure iso-100 f:2.8
For: light rays contest
For this effect i used a flash light (with adjustable light beam) & i blew smoke on the light ray. 2 sec exposure iso-100 f:2.8
For: light rays contest
This is a double exposure with the use of external flash. Add noise & saturation in PS so this photo looks like an old painting. The back ground is a black sheet on a wall. I hope that this photo does not insult any one but if it does please feel free to red flag it. Settings: F 2.8 5 sec....
...lift off. RAW file. Decrease vibrance to get this "selective colour" effect. The red light under the piece of the puzzle is a laser beam. Settings: Iso 100 f 8.0 10 seconds exposure
For: in the crowd contest
...Domination. Exercise of power in ruling.
For: in the crowd contest
Definition: Being the only one of its kind.
For: in the crowd contest
I apologize for my car & for it's nasty ways... Happy New Year to all of you people.
For: hidden faces contest
"Horse of Virgin Mary"), (alogaki tis panagias) thats how we call this mantis in my country.This is the closest my camera can go so i thing that you can call it a "macro". At least i tried...:)
For: macro bugs contest Karol,a very respectful person (for me at least) that gave me an idea.Sorry for "stealing" your idea Karol...I hope you ain't mad at me & I hope that this photo don't insult or is offensive to any one.
For: symmetry contest
For: three combo contest
Kali oreksi ПриÑтного аппетит Poftă bună. Guten Appetit Ä‚n ngon nhé Smaklig mÃ¥ltid where all ways on my mind,you you are the one i am living for. Dedicated to the woman of my life!!! Rembrandt lighting is a lighting technique that is sometimes used in studio portrait photography. It can be achieved using one light and a reflector, or two lights, and is popular because i...
For: love her contest
For this photo i used... Christmas tree lights,that i place as far as i could from the camera. A black piece of paper with a hole in the middle,in the shape of a heart that i place in front of my cameras lens (with power tape). 18x zoom (till the frame fills up with the lights) & manually foc...
...up from the Centuries. The Cycladic Islands of Greece are set in the Aegean Sea. The ancient Greeks called these islands the kyklades, a scattered kyklos, or circle, of islands around the holy island and sanctuary of Apollo, Delos. The Cycladic sculptures all possess certain features -cano...
For: out the dark contest
The way something is with respect to its main attributes,the act, state, or quality of forming a whole from separate parts.
For: ideologies contest
The moonlight plays upon your skin... I hope that this photo does not insult anyone,but if it does PLEASE feel free to red flag it.
For: out the dark contest
..."fire" Please see in high resolution the word "FIRE" that's on fire...
For: fire contest