
For: keys 2017 contest
Oh boy...i have candies left for the rest of my life!!! :)
For: candy contest
Orestes or Orestis (Greek: ΟÏÎστης) is a Greek ancient name, meaning "one who can conquer mountains". He is my son & he is 10 & a half months old. :)
For: babies contest
For: Blue 2 contest
By Marcel Proust.
For: book title 2 contest
For: chronometers contest
No 157 on the list.
For: monotone contest
A pair of unusual over the head earphones made of mushrooms. :)
it was really fun setting this up. Hope you like it! :)
For: let there be light contest
For: bw portrait contest
Inspired by the Greek TV add from Doctors without Borders “Pastilles for the pain of the other†i try to give a personal dimension to this sad event in my life. PXLEYES was a big part of our lives,a friend,a habit,a school of arts... Nothing can compared with PXLEYES,not now...not ever!!...
For: the final goodbye contest
For: single musical instrument contest