
For: pool side contest
New York 1927.
For: old phones contest
For: skin macros contest
2.09 m statue of Agias of Pharsalos, a Pancration champion,an Ancient Greek Athlete! Ladas of Argos (Λάδας), winner of the dolichos at 460 BC he was said to be so fast that he almost was flying as he did not leave tracks on the ground of the stadium
For: backlighting contest
"It moves" Galileo considered his theory of the tides to provide the required physical proof of the motion of the earth. Tamron 18-270 Di II lens iso 50 F:5.6 1&1/2 hour exposure S.B.S A Rular area is a must for this kind of shots. Big city's have a lot of "light p...
Escaping the rabbit hole!!!
For: rooftops contest
For: railings contest
For: eye candy contest
For: product ads contest
This is the first time i do something like that in PS. At first i took this photo for the ad contest but then i liked the reflection of the sea through the glasses so much that i changed my mind. I hope i did this the right way but if not,constructive comments for improvement are most well co...
For: selective coloring contest
Separate's man from boys! Straighten the lines as robvdn suggested. :)
For: product ads contest
Ash nazg durbatulûk. Ash nazg gimbatul. Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
For: ground level contest
We grow up... Things are not the way they used to be... Our childhood dreams,hopes,fantasies seams to fade away... As i closed the door behind me i swear i heard him say... PLEASE...don't go!!! Dedicated to my beloved teddy bear that was all ways there for me all those years...
For: teddy love contest