
...Domination. Exercise of power in ruling.
For: in the crowd contest
...Domination. Exercise of power in ruling.
For: in the crowd contest
...lift off. RAW file. Decrease vibrance to get this "selective colour" effect. The red light under the piece of the puzzle is a laser beam. Settings: Iso 100 f 8.0 10 seconds exposure
For: in the crowd contest
This is a low key technique with the use of external flash in a totally dark room.Thats how only the profile of the model is visible. Increase contrast 3 in PS.
For: silence contest
Edit entry as Lodd suggested...Hope it's better now(it was tooo yellow you where right).:)
For: metallic contest
Owls have also been associated with wisdom and prosperity.
For: symbolism contest
...silver coins! Edit entry as kyricom suggested.
For: money money contest
Raw file. Decrease clarity & vibrance to get this dreamy/colour selection effect. Not made in PS with any filter. Settings: iso-100 f:8.0 5 sec exposure. Please see high-resolution.
This is a double exposure with the use of external flash. Add noise & saturation in PS so this photo looks like an old painting. The back ground is a black sheet on a wall. I hope that this photo does not insult any one but if it does please feel free to red flag it. Settings: F 2.8 5 sec....
...Scent of a woman!!!
For: light rays contest
For this effect i used a flash light (with adjustable light beam) & i blew smoke on the light ray. 2 sec exposure iso-100 f:2.8
For: light rays contest
The raised fist is usually regarded as an expression of solidarity, strength or defiance.
For: symbolism contest
"Insane in the Brain" is a hit single by the American hip hop group Cypress Hill. It was released in 1993. The song was released on the group's Black Sunday album.
For: song title contest
It was a sunny day & i went out to charge my batteries.The sun was warm, the cosmic dust was cherish my armor & then when least expected i saw a figure coming towards me.It was YOU... Strong...but sweet at the same time.I asked your name & you said...EVE!!! I thing i am in love... Wa...
For: inanimate contest
Innovation...! In the near future we won't swallow the pills... With the help of technology & medics we will plug this pill in to a adapter (in a desirable spot of our body) & get the job done... Simple as that..hahahahaha!!!
For: pills contest
I am sure you gonna wonder how did i manage to get this effect...the "heart shape" bokeh effect.Easy...all you have to do is cut a piece of black paper,make a hole in the center with the desirable shape you want(in this case a heart) place it in front of your camera lens,zoom,manual focus ...
For: bokeh contest
...together! s.b.s I use christmas tree lights for the bokeh effect in this photo. Place them in about 8 meters away from the camera & i use manual focus & zoom to blur the background completely.Then i place the class on a table & slowly i start to pull away the table from the camera ...
For: bokeh contest
...of the road!
For: pills contest