Ocean of blue.

This is the first time i don't have a decent high resolution. Unfortunately i lost the jpeg & raw file somewhere on a disk clean up or something! I apologize for the low resolution of my entry. This is a 1024x768 size.
This is the first time i don't have a decent high resolution. Unfortunately i lost the jpeg & raw file somewhere on a disk clean up or something! I apologize for the low resolution of my entry. This is a 1024x768 size.
For: bare feet contest
For: orange black contest
http://www.albanystudios.co.nz/glass%20outlines%20in%20b%20and%20w%20explained.pdf This is the link for this lighting technique. No reflections on the glass. Just the glass outline!
For: lighting contest
For: relaxation contest
For: shell life contest
The rosary (from Latin rosarium, meaning "rose garden")or "garland of roses" is a popular and traditional Catholic devotion. The term denotes the prayer beads used to count the series of prayers that make up the rosary.
For: religion 2 contest
Iso 50 f:22 223,8 sec exposure. Update:Rotated the canvas horizontally as rbsgrl suggested. Update II:Re-shot it with out the candle light. I hope is better now!
For: faucets contest
For: instruments contest
Since i don't own macro lens i used a Nikon 50 mm lens with a magnifier in front of it to get a "kind of macro" result. I set focus to manual,the focal point to 0,45 & i was moving the object with my hand until i get it focus. RAW file,increase clarity,convert in b&w in PS &...
For: bw chairs contest
A high key attempt.
For: vases contest
...where Pliers get what they deserve!!! F:22 iso 50 187.8 sec exposure & at least 2 days of work. Enjoy & make sure you see high resolution.
For: wires contest