0 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Having fun is by far the best reason to make an entry, author! Btw I actually like your step 6 in your SBS, though there's more humor in the final version . Good luck!

(5 years and 2485 days ago)

My Big Fat Cat Hood Ornament
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

white onion for salad...

(5 years and 2519 days ago)

Onion Squared
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

it looks like never opened... nice..

(5 years and 2519 days ago)

Boiler Door
avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:


(5 years and 2519 days ago)

American Eagle
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

nice one

(5 years and 2524 days ago)

American Eagle
avatar Cellesmiles

I like it, another twist!

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Drying Frying Pan
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Very nice. The lines just keep going and going and going_______

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Rolling Hills
avatar fatmike85
fatmike85 says:

I'm stuggling to deciper a path here.

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Shamel Path
avatar Heathcliffe

Damn Paparazzi again :p

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

My Boogers are THIS Big
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Dear author, here my eyes are going direct to the bag and not to the shoes...

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Kid Shoes
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

A good effort, but one of the great things about Ansel Adams photographs was his tonal range, your photos are lacking greys.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Fiscalini Ranch
avatar teecee
teecee says:

Oh those 69 year olds

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

a high res would be nice. Trees look cool with Spanish Moss, but I have to agree that it isn't really a "landscape" (like the theme asks for)

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Fiscalini Ranch
avatar Good0guy
Good0guy says:


(5 years and 2530 days ago)

Want Meaty Thighs?
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice. Reminds me of some of the pop art in the late 60's/early 70's

(5 years and 2531 days ago)

2 Calla Lilies
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

That is true, but it is allowed to change a picture and it's the authors choice to do that instead of uploading it as a new entry. The disadvantage is that the original votes stay.

(5 years and 2532 days ago)

no avatar
273Kelvin says:

Its a nice picture but the problem is that the votes that have been placed so far were placed for the apple picture not the avocado picture. The score will not be an accurate reflection of the picture as it is now.

(5 years and 2532 days ago)

avatar Heathcliffe

Guessing by the comments - you replaced your entry with this one of avocados - I really like the avo pic & think its one of the best of the bunch. Well done.

(5 years and 2532 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I'm sure glad those "Occupy Wallstreeters" got everything fixed

(5 years and 2534 days ago)

no avatar

Judging by the quality, i'd say it's not a DSLR. It's a compact, or a cell phone camera. Either way, i think you got to close to that apple core, beyond camera capabilities, i suggest moving a bit backward and try again, or activate macro setting if the camera have that.

(5 years and 2537 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Your answer might also depend on what type of camera you're using. Mine forexample, has settings to where you can make it focus. If it's a DSLR it would also be a good excuse to practice manual focusing.

(5 years and 2537 days ago)

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

what are you working with?? - most lenses have a minimum focal distance which you can find on the lens itself which will help

If you're using a compact then are you using the marco setting? - or try pressing the shutter half way, which will lock the focus, then you can move the camera to what you want to focus on....

(5 years and 2538 days ago)

avatar WYSIWYG

Wonderful image!

(5 years and 2538 days ago)

Avenue A
avatar Heathcliffe

shame your highlights got so blown out, a little more detail in the foreground would have improved the shot quite a lot

(5 years and 2539 days ago)

Bright Coastline
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Looks like something out of a dream. Nice mood.

(5 years and 2539 days ago)

Rainy Day Bokeh New York
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

You might just be too close for what your camera can cope with.

(5 years and 2540 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

what kind of filter or post processing did you do?

(5 years and 2540 days ago)

Jade Green Splash
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice idea, but you need to be more careful when you focus, you have focused on the background rather than the apple.

(5 years and 2540 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

That is a very strange colour for a tree stump.

(5 years and 2541 days ago)

Tree Stump On Tray