50 comments given:
avatar kimlandsiedel

Trippy! Very cool! I'm going to fav this one!

(5 years and 2646 days ago)

Water Droplet
avatar kimlandsiedel

This one is pretty cool too. Good job with the lighting. The details in the grasshoppers body really come out. Nice job!

(5 years and 2646 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

Neat close-up!

(5 years and 2646 days ago)

Flower Head
avatar kimlandsiedel

A little too much lens flare, it takes away from the deepness of the picture... nice shot none-the-less

(5 years and 2646 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

There's people in it...

(5 years and 2647 days ago)

rowville sunset
avatar kimlandsiedel

That looks so unreal! Nice shot!

(5 years and 2651 days ago)

Sunset at the Biltmore Estate
avatar kimlandsiedel

Did you draw that?

(5 years and 2766 days ago)

The evidence
avatar kimlandsiedel


(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Tongue roll
avatar kimlandsiedel

Beautiful shot!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Where something lies
avatar kimlandsiedel

WOW! You know you had to get that off of a postcard huh? That place is too pretty to be real!!! Gorgeous shot! Good job!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

The Whispering Forest
avatar kimlandsiedel

Beautiful Color!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

Now that is cool!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Woods Giant Tree
avatar kimlandsiedel

Photoshopped? Looks cool, but takes away from the "photography" aspect. Looks like an oil painting... but still very nice.

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Dead Forest
avatar kimlandsiedel

OOOOh! Yes! That looks creepy! Nice job!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Tread carefully
avatar kimlandsiedel

Definitely looks like a place a troll would live!!! Nice pic!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Wishing Tree
avatar kimlandsiedel

Hula fairies huh?! Do you live in Hawaii?

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Where the fairies live
avatar kimlandsiedel

I love taking photos of the forest "ceiling" too... makes for some really neat views. Nice photo!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Walking in circles
avatar kimlandsiedel

That is SO Pretty! I wanna go there!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Enchanted Trail
avatar kimlandsiedel

The short story alongside the picture gave it a whole new meaning and level of creativity... very nice... and thoughtful. Love it!

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

Marys Lips
avatar kimlandsiedel

Awwww! So cute! Very nice effect with the color accent setting. What kind of camera do you have? Very cool!

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

Special Daughter
avatar kimlandsiedel

Clever title! Very Simple and on theme! Well Done!

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

Time for diet
avatar kimlandsiedel


(5 years and 2771 days ago)

Start cooking
avatar kimlandsiedel

wow... absolutely stunning

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

you're hot

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

Where was this photo taken? Very interesting contrast in the economical status and living conditions of the different societal groups... nice.

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

Contrasts society
avatar kimlandsiedel

very cool macro shot!

(5 years and 2960 days ago)

Tree Juice
avatar kimlandsiedel

there is so much movement that can be caught in a single frame... great job!

(5 years and 2980 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

very cool!

(5 years and 2980 days ago)

still life
avatar kimlandsiedel

are the clips really "linking" though?

(5 years and 2980 days ago)

Last man standing at OK Corral
avatar kimlandsiedel

do you guys have lives outside of pxleyes? no insult intended. cuz without you three, none of us would have comments!!

(5 years and 2984 days ago)

And we
avatar kimlandsiedel

ooooh! creepy! very nice shot!

(5 years and 2984 days ago)

Dare You Knock?
avatar kimlandsiedel

very pretty!

(5 years and 2984 days ago)

A Step Back in Time
avatar kimlandsiedel

watch where you're pointing that thing!!

(5 years and 2984 days ago)

Orange Blossom
avatar kimlandsiedel


(5 years and 2984 days ago)

Rose USA
avatar kimlandsiedel

Oh my goodness, you said so much in such a small space. Very, very cute. Good job!

(5 years and 2988 days ago)

True Love
avatar kimlandsiedel


(5 years and 2994 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

this one would be a cool one to enter into the angles photography contest too! nice pic, but where's the wood knot?

(5 years and 2994 days ago)

knotty but solid
avatar kimlandsiedel

vivid, crisp and very pretty. good job. love the simplicity.

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

just a little too blurry, but interesting colors and lighting

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Murano & Swarovski In Love
avatar kimlandsiedel

i love the perspective of the photo... the cheap kills it, but the layout is superb.

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Cheap Green
avatar kimlandsiedel

it's a little dark. you should bring out the "bling" with flash or more lighting. good photo though

(5 years and 3374 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

I love the color, the clarity and the near "expression" the grasshopper is making as it peers to the side of the blade of grass... very nice

(5 years and 3402 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

That shot is just way too cool. The clarity is perfect, the color, the spider... it's got action, drama, fear, achievement and nature to a "t". Good job

(5 years and 3402 days ago)

Spider caught a fly
avatar kimlandsiedel

How big are those mayfly's in real life scale? They look huge! I love the underside view you were able to get. It's different...

(5 years and 3402 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

good photo, but i think it would be better if cropped so that the switch was in the middle on the side.

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

I love the shadows and the angles

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

Omanian castle
avatar kimlandsiedel

Also very nice!

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

avatar kimlandsiedel

That is SO good! Finally! Somebody who actually knew what a "vanishing point" was! Very nice photo. Good centering, color and texture. I love it! Gave it a 100%

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

At the Beach