0 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, reminds me of the Doggie Dentures commercials hehehe

(5 years and 1298 days ago)

Entry number 97066
avatar spaceranger

Author you've placed the link in the wrong box. The URL (address link) goes in the top box, the bottom box marked "text" is for the description/credit. You also used the download link which is incorrect, always use the link that shows the image and the usage rights/license for that image. In this case the correct link is: https://pixabay.com/en/dog-best-friends-pet-girl-pretty-421714/

Please correct your entry as soon as possible.

(5 years and 1298 days ago)

Entry number 97066
avatar TorDoni
Moderator says:

Author, your link is not working please fix it.

(5 years and 1301 days ago)

Entry number 97066