
Just some cool shadows at Navy Pier
Just some cool shadows at Navy Pier
just an empty bottle of Dragonberry
For: emptiness 2 contest
an empty escelator in downtown St. Louis on a Friday night...?
For: emptiness 2 contest
Just a picture of an escelator at Navy Pier
I once met a girl at a bar who said she wanted to be a model. We became friends and sometimes do photos together. This is her at a local artist colony. The lighting was terrible, I had no tripod but think I did alright with this pic.
I house sat for a friend and was playing around with some lighting...this is what I came up with.
I went to Australia a few years ago and on my first full day there I spent some time in Newcastle at an old fort right on the ocean. This palm leaf was right behind me as we were leaving so I snapped a photo.
just a bunch of toothpicks. i actually took this with my's not too great.
For: abstraction contest
This was the arm of a chair I saw one day while walking around downtown
For: abstraction contest
This was just a fence in my downtown area. It doesn't show the whole pic, but I thought it was cool
For: fence me contest
There's no liquor allowed on the there?