Under Water
For: foot tattoo contest
For: foot tattoo contest
I wanted to go to town on this, but due to work have to give it to you as is. Hope you like.
No external sources were used for the making of this image. Everything was done by cutting , transforming and deforming certain parts of the given source. Some minor details, however, where drawn from scratch.
For: old lighter contest
For: seed macros contest
Forest beneath the peak of Volcan Tajumulco, in Guatemala.
The shot was taken by using slow shutter speed to create silky waterfall stream, and using monochrome style to simplify the image yet increase the contrast between forgroudn and background
Long time exposure and a LED light, together can be a lot of fun. :)
For: your name contest
Bahia is great grazing because it produces it's own abundant of seeds with no maintenance.
For: seed macros contest
Transform, deform,eyedropper, eraser tool, adjusts, layers style, paintbrushes
For: old lighter contest
For: all wet contest
thanks to jaskier for suggesting this image for a contest http://www.pxleyes.com/images/contests/gate-ornament/fullsize/sourceimage.jpg
For: tilted bulb contest
thanks to the following for stock: http://hanratty-stock.deviantart.com http://constantstock.deviantart.com http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com
For: tilted bulb contest
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest