11614 comments given:
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Interesting in how people can interpret the same thing different ways. I was looking at it as if he were climbing DOWN, not up. This group of OBVIOUS desperados is making a break!

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Pretty funny. Good job

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Well, I'm about as far from religious as you can get, but this is a very nice shot. I like the DOF and think the B&W really helps. Nice job

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Truly a Masterpiece

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Interesting interpretation. Good thinking outside the box. Might have included a little more of the cross so it was more easily recognizable

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

Unopened Eyes
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kyricom says:

Diggin' the shoes

(you need to remove the date before a mod notices)

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

Little Girl with faith
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice perspective. Might help to crop out the people below

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Nice, but just a little bright

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

the book
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Interesting. Looks like they are all strong symbols

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

Celtic ceremony
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kyricom says:

That's a pretty scarf, but it doesn't really look tie-dyed

(5 years and 3257 days ago)

Tie died silk
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

ooooooooooohhhhh... then, they're looking out at the gremlin messing with the tracks!

(5 years and 3258 days ago)

Whats That?
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Usually I'm pretty militant about blown out exposure, but in this case I think it might actually help. The light helps emphasize the shape of the guy's head. The backlighting of the beard from it also helps a lot. He almost looks like Rasputin... the "Mad Monk!" Maybe it's "holy light." Nice job

(This shot would be no where as good if the guy had hair)

(5 years and 3258 days ago)

Fire and Brimstone
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kyricom says:

Wouldn't that be "Ram-bear?"

(5 years and 3258 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Looks more like Pooh is worshipping the porcelin god! Cute

(5 years and 3258 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Unless you're using a telephoto lens - RUN!!!

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

Bumpy landing
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kyricom says:

Nice catch

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

Fire !!
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Cool shot, just wish you were a little closer

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

very nice. Perfect position

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

Blue Angels
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kyricom says:

Those things are friggin' gigantic!

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

Herky Bird
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kyricom says:

That guy looks like he's about to get strafed

(5 years and 3259 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

looks great. Good luck!

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Dawn off
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Much better. Good luck

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. The finish helps a lot

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Afternoon tea at the Manor
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kyricom says:

That's cute... but it isn't a teddy bear

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. Love the plane silhouette. Might crop a bit off the right (like to those poles)

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Dawn off
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice shot and a lovely description. I do agree with ibmaxed about the cropping though

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice shot. Lovely mood


(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Blanket and Bear
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I don't know... I kind of like the white on white. But... I DEFINITELY wouldn't let grandchildren play with it on ANY background!

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Royal Copenhagen Milk Jug
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. My wife gave me one the day we got married.

(and, I'm not sure, but I think that might be the type of granite used by Vikings for ballast on longer voyages. Pieces of it are found a bit northeast of where we are off the shore, where it isn't found naturally, and it's one of the pieces of evidence they cite to say the Vikings visited North America)

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

50th birthday present
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kyricom says:

Nice composition, but it is a touch OOF

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Centimental Value
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

My wife and I were at Cancun and went to Chichin Itza. I was the guy at the top of the pyramid trying not to pass out from the climb. Did you see me?

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Memory of 2nd honeymoon
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kyricom says:

Nice, but might have cropped a little closer to cut out that glare on the wall

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Emily Doll
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice shot. Great lighting

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

I love you
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice memory. Might have cropped it a bit closer

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Birthday Present
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kyricom says:

I didn't know motorcycles wore necklaces!

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Keep hanging on to it for a while and never open the package. That might actually be worth some good money at one of those toy conventions.

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

1997 Mistake of Rivals!
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice shot. I especially like the button eye doll

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

grandmothers box
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kyricom says:

I think they're all looking at the gremlin out on the wing!

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Whats That?
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

OH MY GOD! Turn of that electronic device! We're all going to crash!!!!!!!

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Flying can be so boring
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kyricom says:

pickin' up chicks on the subway! ;-p

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Has that glazed over, "crap, when is this ride going to be over," look in his eyes.

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Very nice... great rays

(5 years and 3260 days ago)

Rays in the church
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I like the silhouettes of the boats. Might crop a little from the bottom

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

Bali Sunrise
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kyricom says:

VERY nice... great rays

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

African Sunset
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kyricom says:

oops... sorry. Thanks for the correction

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

A Time To cry
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kyricom says:

P-51 Mustang, F-16 Falcon, and an F-14 Tomcat. Nice planes, nice shot (that P-51 must have been hauling ass)

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

A Time To cry
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

You are kidding, right? That is the sweet and awesome P-51 Mustang (P for Pursuit) from WW II - high altitude fighter which provided protection for bombers, enabling the allies to reach deep into German territory (and other areas). It also kicked ass in one on one dogfights. (It's also the only prop plane to shoot down a jet that's been verified).

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

Some kinda landing war plane
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I'm not sure if it's the most beautiful car or not. Please deliver it to my house so I can check it out.

(very nice photograph, regardless though)

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

Codename : 007_B/W_DBS
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kyricom says:

He took it out by being an average 19 year old who drove like an idiot

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

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kyricom says:

I didn't know they had wheelchairs 2000 years ago.

(5 years and 3262 days ago)

He made the lame walk...