11614 comments given:
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Whoever did that certainly has a lot of talent... it should stay

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

River Critters
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Maybe just a TOUCH stronger That's a beautiful shot, though

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

A little camera shy
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice... but it needs to be on a red door.

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

paint it black
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

cute moment... nice catch

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

The boy won!!!
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Doesn't look like SHE thinks she was doing anything wrong. Hrmmmm, do the folks have ink?

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

She makes a nice canvas
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

A nice shot. Would have been good if we could see a little of the water. I agree about the B&W, but this is nice too

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

In the morning
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

This is a very cool picture, but I don't see an instrument. I see the drawing of an instrument, but not the instrument itself. It IS very cool, though

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice focus

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Star Wars soundtrack?

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I like that the "wrong" feet are on the outside.

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

4 Legs are better than 2
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

pretty cool illusion. Good job

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

Shadow or Chair
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice... but if you want a real Polar Bear plunge you should come visit us. We'll chop a hole in the ice so they can get in.

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

Polar bear plunge
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

an old fishing reel/rod

(5 years and 3276 days ago)

Guess what it is
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice job. Kind of a fun illusion

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice job... seems to fit the theme well

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

Light or is it
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Pretty funny

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

Banana Boat
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice... this one is a bit different

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

Terminator egg
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Thanks, but you better be careful... I may take you up on thsat someday!

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

The Beauty of simple things
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

This is a pretty cool one

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

The Grasshopper of Many Colors
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Good one.

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

asleep on the job
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Now that's suffering for your art!

(Get that thesis done! I know it's probably hardest at this stage, but when you look back in ten years or more you'll have the satisfaction of knowing it was WELL worth it! Good Luck!)

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Fight Club
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Cool... but needed to lose the tennis shoes

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. Would like a tiny bit more on the sides

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Broken memories.
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

What is that in the background?

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Great chair, but a touch OOF

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

No arms...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

pretty fancy

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Might be a great chair - given some alternatives

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

A sad chair ...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I'd like to sit there at sunset (or sunrise, depending on which way we're facing)

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

The Beauty of simple things
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:


(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Interesting nonverbals on both their parts

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Great timing

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

yeah... I want to go play horseshoes there.

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Raised in a barn?
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

a classic (and yummy) combination

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

White choco & macadamia nut
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks like a treat for ONE to me!

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

treat for 2
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Like the DOF on this. Good job

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

shgwbcou ewxerc... oh, sorry. My fingers were slipping on the keyboard from all my drool. Send some of that to me quickly, please.

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks yummy. What's that stringy looking stuff at the top?

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very cool... might crop just a little bit from each side to make the dark edges a little more narrow

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Glass with ink
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks like Warhol's apartment

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Still art
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

cool... too bad he's not snarling

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Ghost Hound
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice one. I like it a lot. Might crop just enough from the left to remove the yellow

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

That sounds delicious... you could feel free to send me the recipe

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Why are people giving CrystleClear negative points for simply asking a question? I gave you a +1 anyway, just to try and remove the negative a little.

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Blue crayons
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Yeah... 'cause it's sure ok for those people in their mid-20's to do it

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Mistaken identity
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I'd sure be happy to try it... but... what is it?

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

help urself
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

OK... how long until Ade makes a bad pun about "donating?"

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

car wash
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Yes... reminds me of where I grew up (except we didn't have these boards... we just used plywood - ahhhh, progress)

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

ride it
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I agree with jeaniblog. She could be an attractive young woman... too bad she advertises her ignorance with that ugly stick hanging out of her mouth

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Mistaken identity
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

How do you KNOW those chipmunks are teenagers?!

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Feeding Chipmunks
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Man, that's for sure. We had a 19 year old and a 17 year old boy at the same time. I thought we were going to go broke. We'd bring in about 15 bags of groceries and the next day they'd complain it was all gone!

(5 years and 3280 days ago)

Eating, what they do best.