11614 comments given:
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. Wish there was a bit more of the "old"

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Old and new
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Some of the greats there. Had to read most of them in school, and I'm glad I did. Nowadays I'm not sure they read much (at least in the US)

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Collection of greats
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kyricom says:

wow... I didn't know chairs could read

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Favorite reading chair.
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. Good exposure and lighting

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Napoleon lover
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice, but you might want to reduce your yellows just a touch

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Open Book
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kyricom says:

Man... should have at least used some modern trash and not disrespected the classics.

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Classic Adaptive Re-Use
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kyricom says:

I see the desire, but where's the streetcar

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Shouldn't that be "Alpha," or is it short for alfalfa?

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

One cap
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kyricom says:

middle row - second from left - maroon cover. The good one.

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Spot the odd one out
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kyricom says:

The king of CHEAP beer

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Bud - King of Beers
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kyricom says:

a high res would be nice. (Tequila flavored beer? Isn't that kind of like beef flavored pork?)

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

wow... all those years I lived in Montana I never knew I was living in New Zealand (unless it's Latin)

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Subtle colour
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Why would they want the water off when there's flames both in front and behind them? I would be signalling for "explode the nearest dam and get me the hell out of here!" (REALLY nice shot through the heat waves, though - almost looks like an Impressionistic painting)

(5 years and 2764 days ago)

Water off!
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I suppose "sexy" is in the eye of the beholdre, but you might want to at least crop out the food on the bottom

(5 years and 2765 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Good one

(5 years and 2766 days ago)

Cable cars
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kyricom says:

I'm not sure if that's rebellion, or stupidity. Guess it could be both

(5 years and 2767 days ago)

Looking Like a Fool With Your Pants on the Ground
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kyricom says:

Great lighting and exposure. Nice job

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

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kyricom says:

I like the poem (and the photo) - did you write it, author?

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

Praying for time...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. Good focus and lighting

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Cute pooch... not so sure about the guy

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

A Dog is Man
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Oh. OK.

(5 years and 2769 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Great shot... kind of looks like some kind of alien invasion!

(5 years and 2769 days ago)

Lichen, on the Rocks.
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kyricom says:

This is a cool shot, but they look more like pliers or something than a cutting blade

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looking quite dapper

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Clothes make the man.
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice. I think the B&W was a good choice

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Sunset Through Hole
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kyricom says:

Nice shot, but I'm not sure the emphasis is on the hole

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice shot... but I'm not sure the emphasis is on the hole

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Generating energy
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kyricom says:

Nice... I like the old paint

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Holey Moley
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kyricom says:

Great catch with the right shutter speed.

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Man... they REALLY don't like birds!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Shooting birds
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kyricom says:

Nice ray

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

Pantheon Hole
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kyricom says:

This is a cool shot, but I'm not sure the emphasis is on the hole

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Cool framing... might have played with f-stop a little if he was sitting still enough. Cute pooch

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

The Dog Hole
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kyricom says:

That building always makes me think that the original "Battlestar Galactica" ship has landed

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very nice... good contrast and good decision to go B&W

(5 years and 2771 days ago)

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kyricom says:

I've heard of "if the SHOE fits, wear it."

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

If, the cap fits wear it
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice idea... but it's a little hard to see the nails etc.

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

... plus some acid to wash it down
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

ooooooo... can I have a bowl?

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

Crunchy Cereal
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Ohhhh, that looks YUMMY!

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

meat with yours
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kyricom says:

Geexman... filters which apply to the image as a whole (e.g. contrast) are already legal in the photo contests, although just hitting "auto color" wouldn't do too well against someone who really knew how to edit well. What you cannot do (generally) are things that don't apply to the image as a whole - for example, if you had a great shot, except for those power lines through the top. In the photo section of this site, you could not legally take those power lines out. This theme was created to show shots like that, except that they could legally be "enhanced" without the power lines. That of course, is just one example. The point though, was that the shots (in this one theme) would not have things (objects/images etc.) ADDED to them.

(5 years and 2772 days ago)

Spot, Blot and Squirt and now just Squirt
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kyricom says:

In that case... VERY nice job.

(5 years and 2773 days ago)

light and dark
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kyricom says:

I think the theme evolved from a thread (by Vibeke? I'm not sure) that pointed out that for many Photography sites, and for photography in general nowadays, Photoshop (or whatever program) is commonly used to erase powerlines, enhance colors etc. for a "better" end product. This revolved around a debate (which goes far beyond the borders of this site) as to whether or not this type of enhancement is "photography" or "chopping."

Here, we generally steer closer to the "purist" side with the photography rules (which IMHO is a great thing). But someone suggested we have a photo theme without the usual photography restrictions of this site to see what kind of shots we got. Then, it was pointed out that a theme like that would be better on the Photoshop side... and... VOILA! This theme was born. So, you see, the initial intent was not to take a photo and change the content by adding things. It was to take a photo and "enhance" it.

(5 years and 2773 days ago)

Spot, Blot and Squirt and now just Squirt
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Well. Emik... I buy that getting close to water etc. without a weathersealed camera is risky to the camera (although the cynic in me suspects many of those aren't really that close and are just cropped) But a Rat Snake doesn't seem too risky. How would it hurt you or the camera? Would it be risky to get close to a baby bunny?

What did I consider risky? The last time this theme ran I entered my shot taken in mid-February where I climbed over the fence at Niagra Falls around midnight to stand on the ice right next to the falls. Not only risky - but incredibly STUPID!!!

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

Back off
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

But this looks cool... and far closer to the theme

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

Spot, Blot and Squirt and now just Squirt
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

The camera didn't move - just the direction of the flash?

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

light and dark
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kyricom says:

VERY nice shot

(5 years and 2776 days ago)

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kyricom says:

Nice Red-Tailed Hawk

(5 years and 2776 days ago)

Soaring High
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kyricom says:

Very nice catch, but could have used a little faster sutter speed

(5 years and 2776 days ago)

Got It
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kyricom says:

I want a crown just like that

(5 years and 2776 days ago)

King and Queen of Carnival
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kyricom says:

Well... I'm making Nachos!

(5 years and 2776 days ago)

Spot, Blot and Squirt and now just Squirt