11614 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

I am most curious about the tat over his heart. I know fortis semper means always strong and is the navy's motto but what does fortis sed mean. I like the back lighting to this portrait of a handsome young man.

(5 years and 453 days ago)

My Son
avatar still26
still26 says:

Congrats on three!

(5 years and 457 days ago)

Approaching Night
avatar still26
still26 says:

Creative + + + +

(5 years and 460 days ago)

Approaching Night
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Yes bit posh for a bike

(5 years and 461 days ago)

Sweet Ride
avatar still26
still26 says:

Looks like a Rols Royce of a bike.

(5 years and 461 days ago)

Sweet Ride
avatar still26
still26 says:

ha....congrats.....often following the KISS principle works the best.

(5 years and 463 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

hope it was after dinner

(5 years and 463 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Kyricom

(5 years and 464 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for winning

(5 years and 464 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Kyricom

(5 years and 471 days ago)

The Classics
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Has the shot been rotated sideways after stacking the books on top of each other? If not, how do you manage to get them to appear to be floating on different levels without anything under them to hold them in position?

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Look it up!
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Are you getting inspired to do some painting?

(5 years and 476 days ago)

The Classics
avatar still26
still26 says:

Self timer, huh?! I looked at this on high res and it really is a very powerful image that clearly shows the topic of book(s). You worked had at arranging this just so and it shows, for this creativity your image is top of the shelf. Just great and gave me my morning smile.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

The Classics
avatar still26
still26 says:

You have some dust spots on your sensor, image is soft with colour cast and the drape takes our attention away from the main focal point. The story is strong and tells us how books are valued in this home.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

Book Stand
avatar still26
still26 says:

Solid presentation, sharp, good tonal values good marginal space all around.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

Look it up!
avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh my, these feel precious and the script is Latin isn't it? The colour palette is perfect with opposing colours of yellow and purple. Why oh why did you nip off the edge of that one book???...overall I enjoyed finding this upload and it makes me want to know more.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

18th Century Entertainment
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Simplistic but effective

(5 years and 479 days ago)

Look it up!
avatar still26
still26 says:

I am drawn to the very realistic colour palette which makes me feel cold. It is a cold miserable day and your image gets that across. Sharp in high res. Nice one.

(5 years and 483 days ago)

Too Cold to Trespass
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hey, I was here....I'm sure of it. Image is not in focus although it does look better in high resolution. A colourful autumnal path that stills the beating of my heart.

(5 years and 483 days ago)

Peaceful Path
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I really like the pristine unmarked snow in this one. The broken gate and fallen branches make me think no one has come or gone along this private path for ages.
It makes me wonder if the people who live on the property are so self sufficient that they don't need to go out for the winter of if they have left home for the winter to find a warmer climate. The mind boggles with possibilities and inspirations for mystery stories. Excellent work.

(5 years and 483 days ago)

Too Cold to Trespass
avatar still26
still26 says:

Great Tequila still life! YUM

Nicely set up with consideration to entire story. Cropped artistically, eye level for us to easily engage in...crisp and clear on the drink with gentle softening into the depth of the image. Colour palette realistic and not overcooked. "Pretty as a picture"...an image made, not an image taken!

(5 years and 484 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

different view on this contest.

(5 years and 489 days ago)

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well good insect photo this,good dof and detail

(5 years and 489 days ago)

Blending in?
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like everything about this staged photograph. The man in softness on the right gives us the feeling of them against us. It is a good thing you did not crop him out and the dead guy is fine with gun in hand , that is after all, how he fell!

(5 years and 489 days ago)

Deadly Interaction
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like the fast shutter speed for you have frozen this action well. It is a sports shot which involves a lot of interaction. Well done.

(5 years and 489 days ago)

Pleased to Meet You
avatar photonut
photonut says:

I never would have thought of that,clever thinking outside the box.

(5 years and 489 days ago)

Lift Those Weights
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I love that afternoon sunlight. It gives a lovely warm glow to that very very long train which appears to go on forever. Beautiful work.

(5 years and 490 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I agree with Photonuts comment but I have a question for you.
We all learn about the rule of thirds in photography so why did you place the narrow DOF so low on the frame? That position doesn't tend to draw the viewers eye into the photo but rather out of it in my opinion.

(5 years and 490 days ago)

Lift Those Weights
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Crisp photo of this butterfly,good dof

(5 years and 490 days ago)

A Flutterby
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good sports shot this.

(5 years and 490 days ago)

Pleased to Meet You
avatar photonut
photonut says:

A different aspect of healthy living,but a good one,think the narrow dof makes this interesting

(5 years and 490 days ago)

Lift Those Weights
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good close-up

(5 years and 492 days ago)

Beware the Dragons
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Fair enough still think it would be better without him,although if he was in focus,then the interaction would have been better and given this a better effect.

(5 years and 492 days ago)

Deadly Interaction
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Yes not the best acting in the world,lol think it would have been better without the guy on the right as well

(5 years and 492 days ago)

Deadly Interaction
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Is the man on the ground supposed to be playing dead?
If we could give the actors some tips for improvement, I would suggest that he didn't hold his gun in the air while pretending to be dead.
Nice fire shot from the end of that rifle.

(5 years and 492 days ago)

Deadly Interaction
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I was wondering how you managed to get a totally white background till I read your comment. I think it might have been better if you had managed to get the spiderweb too. There is also chromatic aberation on the insects legs which you might want to fix in post processing. That purple and green tint on the legs looks unnatural. Good luck in the contest.

(5 years and 493 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Kyricom, again

(5 years and 513 days ago)

House Wren
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Kyricom

(5 years and 513 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for first

(5 years and 513 days ago)

House Wren
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for first

(5 years and 513 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Ah ah I thought I was on the "Picture word" contest, I was searching for the word

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Sweet and Sour
avatar still26
still26 says:

Congrats on this win.

(5 years and 528 days ago)

Bonnie and Clyde
avatar still26
still26 says:


(5 years and 528 days ago)

Watch for Black Ice
no avatar
marina08 says:

Wow! You really had that window smashed!

(5 years and 531 days ago)

Witness Tampering
avatar still26
still26 says:

I have lost a few friends to black ice death and this image looks foreboding. It is another one of those photos that brings out the ewwwwwww in me.

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Watch for Black Ice
avatar still26
still26 says:

ewwwwwwwww, this is so bad that it is good.

(5 years and 533 days ago)

Murder, Inc.
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is my hometown...thank you. You have some spots on your lens/sensor. Look on the road to the right lower section, then look in the sky and you can find dust spots in the heavens above, one above the CN tower to the right (viewer's right). You could crop up to cut off that gray spot yet leave enough lines on the road. Use your healing brush to get rid of spots.

(5 years and 533 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I didn't know that! Solid upload, nice and the cars in blurred bokeh in the background support your photo.

(5 years and 533 days ago)

Bonnie and Clyde
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Definitely tiny. Looks like it escaped being burned in a bush fire too.

(5 years and 536 days ago)

Tiny Church
avatar still26
still26 says:

Following KISS principle. I love it.

(5 years and 537 days ago)

A Mustang