(Actually, the skull of a young buck)
An old chair where you can get some alone time.
For: just chairs contest
Looking forward on a happy graduation day.
For: graveyards 4 contest
If you hike back in the hills where I live, you can run across very old, isolated, grave sites that have long since gone untended.
For: graveyards 4 contest
A lonely graveyard
For: graveyards 4 contest
The wall of an old barn
For: textures 3 contest
A row of small cottages to rent by some of the best fly fishing fishing in the world. The river runs right behind them just a small distance away.
Boquet Cemetary, in northern New York by the Canadian border, was established in 1798 and has veterans from both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Regular graves and families etc. are buried there as well. New flags are placed on the veteran's graves, but no one seems to take much other car...
For: graveyards 4 contest
A bag of fortune cookies.
For: c is for contest
Holding a chain. (please view in high res)
For: hands 4 contest