Guardian Angels

source and photoshop only
source and photoshop only
Source image and Photoshop CS4
From the maelstrom that was creation a Cosmic Dragon brings young worlds to seed the vast universe. I may have read this in Ancient Mythology and remembered the story...or it could have been that mushroom I...uh...never mind.
Oxy is a name that I had in my mind. He wanted to fly his first space ship, he did not know where to go, so he flew, and flew, and got lost in space. Thanks mqtrf for the pic of the clouds.
We all remember Jason from Friday the 13th? Yes, well good old Jason has hobbies too, just like us :) He is quite a sculptor at heart... About 10hours painting, soft and hard brushes used, spot colour and adding colour along the way with a lot of smudging... Reference used thanks jasjnr ... ...
Some things inside this strange Jack-o-lantern
I thought of it about 4 times so I had to do it. Otherwise that voice wont leave me alone 8"x10" acrylic on canvas
For: frog td contest
16x20 Acrylic on canvas.
For: frog td contest
Used the source image and two skull pictures from Mqtrf (PxlEyes stock).
For: pocket knife contest
Leo Reynolds- SanFranAnnie- arifhasan- Kimberly Crick- waldo swiegelaar- popofatticus-http://www.fli...
For: brick wall contest
The reaper is comming for claim the life of some flowers...
For: sunflower closeup contest
Thanks to FrodoBabbs at for the window and weathered building photo and to jpmckenna at flckr for the crow. Other sources were my own except for the main source sunflower photo. Cattails and leaves 'handmade'. Did make some light changes and added noise to cattails.
For: sunflower closeup contest
thanks to bugdog (Background bird) and MAPE_S (Notified) for the second head Just masking and a brightness layer mask
-Thanks to night-fate-stock on DA both for the background and sky images - Thanks to markopolio-stock on DA for the skeleton image - Thanks to PolygraphPhotoStock on DA fo the butterfly image -Thanks to Mourge-stawk on DA for the odd beach image
For: old skeleton contest
For: old skeleton contest
No bones about it, this is funnnn. ! Thanks to lee cannon for the photo
For: old skeleton contest
Thanks to the following at ktylerconk for the horse photo; to for the Great orion nebulae source, and to daryl_mitchell for the jack o lantern source. Cape, moon and tree are drawn in with brush tools.
For: old skeleton contest
Credits to: - - - - -
For: old skeleton contest
Created with source Only
For: kitchen view contest
Source, Photoshop, My sketch, And a lot of work. Please watch the High resolution before voting..
For: kitchen view contest
Source image and Photoshop
For: kitchen view contest