wAaat U LooKiNN Attt...!!???

That 'thing' is very dangerous... Do not stare at him for a long time... He is going to hide the magic ball over that pit... lol... (Source and photoshop only...)
For: metal globe contest
That 'thing' is very dangerous... Do not stare at him for a long time... He is going to hide the magic ball over that pit... lol... (Source and photoshop only...)
For: metal globe contest
Plot: When the Sun stops burning, the Earth is invaded by the robots (nothing strange, huh :D?) and they plan to obtain all the energy on the Earth. They developed a new breed of robot built by only wires. But the wires are made of special material, which can change the physical properties when they...
For: metal globe contest
- I want to thank to Marcus Ranum (mjranum-stock) on DA for the nude model image -Thanks to thank to markopolio-stock on deviantart.com for the skeleton image - Thanks to http://night-fate-stock on deviantart.com for the desert image - Thanks to sabinki on sxc.hu for the ripple image -Thanks to ...
For: rose thorns contest
My favourite horror creature is the good old Zombie...soooo meet Mr P ;) Used picture as reference... My technique: Apply solid colour and smudge smudge smudge, alternating from soft to hard brushes. This was created in Photoshop CS5 +- 15hours painting...
For: horror creatures dd contest
No one really thinks that they are ugly. No sources used.
For: horror creatures dd contest
For: horror creatures dd contest
-Thanks for photographer Marcus Ranum & the model "the-hoax" on DA for the model image - Thanks to Bura3-STOCK on DA for the sea foam image - Thanks to Jisei on DA for the orangutan eye image - Thanks to Jayderosalie on DA for the water splash image - Thanks to Falln-stock on DA f...
For: rose thorns contest
source and stone sample
Cut out and duplicated the chili 3 times and moulded it to the chair. Masked out the arms of the deck chair, used a little of the shadow under the chair to use as the "leg" shadow, and added the glasses with a clipping mask. Images by: Float of sxc and vnoel of flickr
For: red chili contest
I figured let's do it the classic way :-)
For: skeletons TD contest
You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
...the ceiling is the limit! Thanks to: - Imageafter.com; - Lev Dolgatshjov and Christophe Schimid @ Photoxpress; - cienpies, lusi, COBRASoft 2heads Advertising, weewillyd and jana koll @ RGBStock.
For: no gravity contest
Thanks to jayul and Bobcatnorth
For: shell contest
Two sources, Photoshop and Illustrator
For: dust bin contest
Only the source image is used
For: dust bin contest
Cthulhu f'taghn! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu
Source Only Inspired by Emily Elizabeth Prozinski's Sculpture work http://sailornibiru1.deviantart.com/art/I-Dream-of-Tia-152718109
For cmyk......., enjoy
For: microscope contest
Thanks and credits to the following people for the awesome pictures. haylesbaby,Vidor,bullet69,Mattox
Thanks to SheisprettyStock from Deviant Art for the vines.