
nothing see my sbs
Only one source for the leaf (I was lazy), the rest is derived from the original source. Tried a few new techniques and finished it with a lot of traditional hand work, check out SBS for details (and hi-res). I tried to achieve a watercolour painting like effect, but also saved 2 original pape...
The image is created with Photoshop and Illustrator. Please see sbs before voring. Thanks:)
This creation of mine is very very precious to me cause it took hell lot of time and the time i finishd with ths image and sbs my eyes were red and aching.... So here is a beautiful portrayal of natures beautiful creation.... Do check the high resolution pic..... Hope the hard...
The source was used to create the flowers. The background was created with one of my original paintings as reference, and the butterflies are painted in. Details are in my SBS.
For: vegetable closeup contest
please visit for more stock photography!
For: scare crow contest
Thanks to, and
For: scare crow contest
Thanks to "fairiegoodmother" for source 3 Thanks to "shoofly-stock" for source 4 Thanks to "superstar-stock" for source 5
For: scare crow contest
Have loaded other sources in my SBS. Thanks to all the following at oOoOxmodsOoOo (crow); diciu for flying crow; jfelias for the castle; missyredboots for the faarm and file scene;
For: scare crow contest
Sometimes...your heart and your brain become the same when you love. There is a gorgeous connection between the two them..and that's what makes love be both rational and irational. I kept the same surreal style as before..that's why maybe my picture will freak you a bit. However, maybe you understan...
source and my photo
For: lego guy contest
this was done for the most part in Painter with some touch up in cs No sources used.
For: aaawww contest
(not enough room in the name section) I should mention that her full name is... Miss Boogie Foo Foo Le Winderburg The Winderburg's of the Hamptons... not that white trash that live in the LA suburbs...
For: aaawww contest
credits and thanks: I have been inspired by Pendulum's billiant song: Watercolour.
For: blue dolphin contest
All sources are mine and included in the SBS. Thanks for looking.
An inspirational tutorial.
An ordinary fishing day... (Did I say ordinary???) Fishing rod, string and fishhook made with pen tool. Thanks to: - chrisharvey @ Photoxpress; - lizevans @; - cogdogblog, PacificKlaus, freefotouk and @ Flickr.
All source Used one cloud brush set from the following link.
this pic is not as complicated as it looks, meaning that it is easy to create. Mostly it was done using transform tool, masking, and some lighting effect (filter>render>lighting) to render the texture I created previously by going to channels and create a new channel for the texture. after th...
For: heart contest
Thanks to Night Fate from
For: heart contest
Just the source image used in the making of this entry. Comments and sugestions will be appreciated.