New comer

Only Source
For: hurrican attraction contest
Only Source
For: hurrican attraction contest
No references were used. Rough sketched in pencil, then a 02 tip pen(partially dry), and a 005.
For: pointillism contest
This was done with a 005 Micron pen over a light pencil sketch and quite a few hours. The pencil was erased early in the process. Yoyu may have to view high res to see the dots(yes they are there :) No references were used.
For: pointillism contest
Thanks to Matthew Stewart | Photographer, jpstanley, and Alan Vernon.
For: water reflections contest
I make this simply used of image adjustments and the transform tools.
For: steep stairs contest
Program: Ps cs4 Time taken: 14hrs Method: alot of masks! pentool and some digital painting. I used 29 stock images for this entry i could not add all links so i posted them below. More STOCK IMAGES LANDSCAPES: http://resurgere.deviantar...
For: steep stairs contest
- I corrected the wings. I guess its better now - Thanks for your comments! Thaks to obsidan dawn for the aurorabrushes! (used for haze in the background)
For: stone ear contest
Hope you like it I used my own sources (see sbs)
For: stone ear contest
Thanks to mikebaird, racketrx, Marcus Ranum (, Nalia-Te-Agashoine and Philgarlic
For: stone ear contest
Not used only the source. Thanks psamathides, creativenature-stock, deerblood, sinned-angel-stock, hatestock, phoenix-cry, finnn6 on DA for the stock images.
For: peacock contest
Source only. Please check high res ;)
For: peacock contest
my version of an aye aye source and my photo
For: peacock contest
All source with reference :)
For: peacock contest
Source images used for this entry provided by: mqtrf ( trunk of tree ). pxleyes - contest. The rest is Photoshop.
For: peacock contest
Only Source
For: peacock contest
No outside sources were used. Flowers were created using portions of the peacock along with brush tools. Please see my SBS for all the details.
For: peacock contest
For: stone ear contest
Credit to peej0e from sxc for the barbed wire stock.
For: unconventional shoes contest
basic combination of 2 sources, used burn around the laces & lace holes to give depth, used eliptical marquee with a gradient fill for the shoe openings.
For: unconventional shoes contest