Sax Shoe

For: unconventional shoes contest
For: unconventional shoes contest
No sources.
For: stethoscope contest
source only
For: stethoscope contest
Only the source image is used
For: stethoscope contest
Created with source only Thanks to CorneliaMladenova great style. Tried Some of her techniques :-)
For: blue bicycle contest
Credit to werksdesiq from sxc for the tree credit to qrnqobstpr from sxc for the sky
For: fox home contest
Uploadod by Leftfield1, fjsa, lauralucia and jpaulocv
For: fox home contest
Thanks to following :-
For: fox home contest
source and my pictures
For: fox home contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
all done in photoshop cs4
For: yellow pills contest
Yum.... Thanks to Lilystox of DA for the leaves
For: mushroom contest
For: mushroom contest
Thanks to Gabriella Stock
For: mushroom contest
source and cloud pic
For: mushroom contest
Todd-Stool and Fun-Gus, the worlds only tap dancing mushrooms. I created this for the kids out there so if you have any running around at home why not ask them to comment...I'd love to hear from them and it's a good opportunity to share your interests with them. Of course I also love to hear from th...
For: mushroom contest
Thanks to ''moonchilde'' for source 1 Thanks to ''unholy'' for source 2,3 Thanks to ''shoofly'' for source 4,5 Thanks to ''falln'' for source 6 Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 7 Thanks to ''dark-dragon'' for source 9
For: aion world contest
Thanks to,,, maf5002 ( and bertvthul ( Also thanks to Lelaina for beautiful sunset image
For: aion world contest
Thanks to and
For: aion world contest
Created in Daz 3.0 64 bit and photoshop CS4. Credit to evobrained from SXC for the great texture. Credit to NASA for the moon stock.
For: aion world contest